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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        The Living Wetsuit

        Fascia: The Body's Fabric of Life

        by Sue Adstrum PhD

        Imagine this wetsuit alive, dynamic, infused with an energy – a spirit – that disappears when we die. This wetsuit, The Living Wetsuit, is a simple analogy that helps explain and demystify fascia, the main connective tissue in our body. Understanding fascia is the key to understanding our own bodies and health, giving us a powerful tool to improve the ways we look after, treat, and heal ourselves. In the Living Wetsuit, Sue Adstrum traces the fascinating history of anatomy, explaining how and why our understanding of the human body – particularly fascia – has evolved over time. Exploring the crucial role fascia plays in our body, the book explains how it becomes damaged or hurt over time, and the practical solutions we can use to fix and care for our fascia. A unique, engaging analysis on the intersections of historic, cultural, and medical knowledge, The Living Wetsuit is an essential read for anyone who has a body. CONTENTS Include:1 – Anatomy Matters2 – Anatomies3 – Anatomised Bodies4 – Fascia5 – Fascial Anatomy6 – The Living Wetsuit7 – The Body’s Fabric of Life8 – When Things Start to Go Wrong with the Living Wetsuit9 – Healing the Living Wetsuit10 – The Living Wetsuit in the 21st Century

      • Medicine
        January 2004

        Anatomie pour le mouvement - Volume 1 - NEW EDITION

        Introduction à l'analyse des techniques corporelles. Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée.

        by Blandine Calais-Germain

        Anatomy for Movement An Introduction to the analysis of body techniques For almost forty years now, and through 5 successive editions, this book has provided easy access to the bases of anatomy for all people studying anatomy and/ or practicing a body technique. It describes the musculoskeletal system with abundant illustrations: over 1100 commented drawings show the bones, joints, and muscles in direct relation with the movement situations that concern them. The following areas are addressed: The trunk: Spine, pelvis, rib cage. Upper extremities: Shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands. Lower extremities: Hips, knees, ankles, feet. For each area, comments deal successively with: * The morphology of the area * Movements made by this part of the body * Bones, joint structures and the different muscles involved The new edition of this reference book – translated into 19 languages, and sold in over 40 countries – is enhanced with 100 QR codes that provide the reader with a better view of the structures described in the text, thus constituting a new tool for understanding anatomy.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2014

        The Dark Side, Part 2 - Real Life Accounts of an NHS Paramedic

        The Traumatic, the Tragic and the Tearful

        by Andy Thompson

        Following up on his well-received first book, Andy Thompson provides another captivating, thought-provoking and at times intense glimpse into the daily life of a Paramedic working in the UK’s National Health Service. In the style of his first book, Andy recalls each event from the detailed documentation recorded at the time, each account written in a way that puts the reader right there next to him so that you live the events in real-time, hear the dialogue between paramedics, patient, their loved ones and other healthcare professionals as it would have been, and share in Andy’s thought processes during each of the ten very different situations he encounters. The term ‘The Dark Side’ describes the frontline emergency aspect of the Ambulance Service, since paramedics frequently experience sombre situations. In ‘The Dark Side, Part 2’ you will share in some truly traumatic, tragic and tearful events involving a seemingly vibrant, healthy young patient, a prison inmate, the victims of an horrific car crash, heart attacks, a frightening epileptic fit, the alarming effects of an allergic reaction, and what can happen when under-strain doctors prescribe the wrong medication. But there’s still room for lighthearted moments and a taste of the sometimes dark humour that allows paramedics to continually deal with events most of us would find too horrific. The detail in the descriptions of the care given to each patient on-scene by Andy and his colleagues will have you marvelling at the ability of these healthcare professionals to work at such speed of thought, buying enough time to deliver a patient into the specialist hands of hospital care and often full recovery. Of course there are inevitably also those times when tears of hope turn to tears of despair for loved ones. You cannot feel that pain until it happens to you, but this book will bring you mighty close to it at times.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2021

        Plant Growth Responses for Smart Agriculture Prospects and Applications

        by T. Girija,Nandini K. & Parvathi, M.S.

        Plant Physiology is a dynamic science which goes on adding knowledge to already characterized basic processes in plants. The past decade has witnessed an unprecedented progress in biological sciences with the advent of innovative technologiesviz. recombinant DNA techniques, omics approaches and advanced phenotyping platforms. These tools have helped to redefine many of the already accepted facts of plant life. The present publication will give an insight into the lesser known signals that can influence plant growth and development. Knowledge of plant physiological processes provides the base for research in cognate disciplines such as crop improvement, crop production and crop protection. With the impetus for clean cultivation, information provided in the book can motivate researchers in developing environment-friendly and non-chemical means of improving crop production and activate the innate ability of the plant to enhance their field performance.

      • Botany & plant sciences
        June 2020

        Plant Health Management

        by Gireesh Chand

        The book carries documents contributed by faculty members from all across the country on emerging disease threat, design effective management strategies through various conventional and modern approaches. The chapters in the book provide a current and detailed account of biotic and abiotic constraints that affect the crops, with comprehensive coverage of occurrence, distribution, economic importance, symptoms of biotic and abiotic constraints, disease cycle, epidemiology and sustainable disease management strategies.

      • Physiology
        October 2011

        Physio-Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vegetable Crops

        by M.K. Rana

        This book is aimed at providing systematic information on nutritional importance of vegetables in human nutrition, physiology, post-harvest technology, biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables at a single source. The book contains very concise and precise information on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops and also covers areas like resistance against diseases and herbicides and tolerance against drought and salinity and the physical aspects of quality, i.e., shape, size, texture, colour, tenderness, etc. It also contains the information on best possible solutions of problems faced by the students, scientists, growers and trade. The information given in this book is truly based on scientific records of scientists working on vegetables in various institutes. The book on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops compiled for the students of postgraduate and postdoctoral programs is one such attempt to make them learn and understand the subject more precisely and motivate them o improve their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables crops to meet the future needs. In addition, this book may be user-friendly to others who have the concern to expand their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetable crops and wish to fetch more remuneration from vegetable crops.

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