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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2016

        Intelligence, security and the Attlee governments, 1945–51

        An uneasy relationship?

        by Daniel Lomas

        Introduction 1. Wartime apprenticeship: Labour and intelligence during the Second World War 2. Lacking intelligence? British intelligence, ministers and the Soviet Union 3. The Cold War heats up: propaganda and subversion, 1945-8 4. Britain's secret Cold War offensive: ministers, subversion and special operations, 1948-51 5. The special relationship? Ministers, atomic espionage and Anglo-American relations 6. Defending the realm: Labour ministers, vetting and subversion 7. Empire, Commonwealth and security Conclusion: intelligence and the Labour governments, 1945-51 Index

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2016

        Everyday security threats

        Perceptions, experiences, and consequences

        by Daniel Stevens, Nick Vaughan-Williams

        This book explores citizens' perceptions and experiences of security threats in contemporary Britain, based on twenty focus groups and a large sample survey conducted between April and September 2012. The data is used to investigate the extent to which a diverse public shares government framings of the most pressing security threats, to assess the origins of perceptions of security threats, to investigate what makes some people feel more threatened than others, to examine the effects of threats on other areas of politics and to evaluate the effectiveness of government messages about security threats. We demonstrate widespread heterogeneity in perceptions of issues as security threats and in their origins, with implications for the extent to which shared understandings of threats are an attainable goal. While this study focuses on the British case, it seeks to make broader theoretical and methodological contributions to Political Science, International Relations, Political Psychology, and Security Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Defending Britain in uncertain times

        by Michael Clarke, Bill Jones

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2016

        Everyday security threats

        Perceptions, experiences, and consequences

        by Daniel Stevens, Nick Vaughan-Williams

        This book explores citizens' perceptions and experiences of security threats in contemporary Britain, based on twenty focus groups and a large sample survey conducted between April and September 2012. The data is used to investigate the extent to which a diverse public shares government framings of the most pressing security threats, to assess the origins of perceptions of security threats, to investigate what makes some people feel more threatened than others, to examine the effects of threats on other areas of politics and to evaluate the effectiveness of government messages about security threats. We demonstrate widespread heterogeneity in perceptions of issues as security threats and in their origins, with implications for the extent to which shared understandings of threats are an attainable goal. While this study focuses on the British case, it seeks to make broader theoretical and methodological contributions to Political Science, International Relations, Political Psychology, and Security Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2019

        Everyday security threats

        Perceptions, experiences, and consequences

        by Daniel Stevens, Nick Vaughan-Williams

        This book explores citizens' perceptions and experiences of security threats in contemporary Britain, based on twenty focus groups and a large sample survey conducted between April and September 2012. The data is used to investigate the extent to which a diverse public shares government framings of the most pressing security threats, to assess the origins of perceptions of security threats, to investigate what makes some people feel more threatened than others, to examine the effects of threats on other areas of politics and to evaluate the effectiveness of government messages about security threats. We demonstrate widespread heterogeneity in perceptions of issues as security threats and in their origins, with implications for the extent to which shared understandings of threats are an attainable goal. While this study focuses on the British case, it seeks to make broader theoretical and methodological contributions to Political Science, International Relations, Political Psychology, and Security Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2016

        Intelligence, security and the Attlee governments, 1945–51

        An uneasy relationship?

        by Daniel Lomas

        Introduction 1. Wartime apprenticeship: Labour and intelligence during the Second World War 2. Lacking intelligence? British intelligence, ministers and the Soviet Union 3. The Cold War heats up: propaganda and subversion, 1945-8 4. Britain's secret Cold War offensive: ministers, subversion and special operations, 1948-51 5. The special relationship? Ministers, atomic espionage and Anglo-American relations 6. Defending the realm: Labour ministers, vetting and subversion 7. Empire, Commonwealth and security Conclusion: intelligence and the Labour governments, 1945-51 Index

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Defending Britain in uncertain times

        by Michael Clarke, Bill Jones

        An analysis that takes the complexity of British defence policy apart to view its anatomy and show how policy is made in this area. British defence policy is in a phase of great transition as the country confronts its Brexit future and also as world politics becomes more threatening and potentially unstable. This book uses the most up to date information to examine in a concise and readable way all the elements that go to make up Britain's defence policy as it goes through the most significant transition since the end of the Cold War in 1991. By analyzing the costs of defence, the equipment issues, the personnel, the technical and intelligence back-up for it, and the strategies to employ military forces, this book offers a brief but rich guide to understanding an area of policy that many people find baffling.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        The security dimensions of EU enlargement

        Wider Europe, weaker Europe?

        by David Brown, Alistair Shepherd

        The changing nature of security, the enlargement of European institutions and the evolving functions of the EU have been key developments in post-Cold War Europe. This book blends these three crucial developments in a sophisticated and illuminating manner. It assesses the impact of EU enlargement on both pre-existing security arrangements and key relationships with the EU's new partners and 'neighbours'. It also investigates both hard and soft, and internal and external security issues, ranging from military intervention to terrorism and from organised crime to human rights. From this it concludes that enlargement has both positive and negative implications for European security. Completing the analysis, this study examines the evolving security relationships with key states, regions and international organisations in the EU's 'neighbourhood'. The examination of relations with Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, the Greater Middle East and the Balkans provides a sense of the direction in which European security politics is moving.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Supreme emergency

        How Britain lives with the Bomb

        by Andrew Corbett

        In Supreme emergency, an ex-Trident submarine captain considers the evolution of UK nuclear deterrence policy and the implications of a previously unacknowledged aversion to military strategies that threaten civilian casualties. Drawing on extensive archival research, the book provides a unique synthesis of the factors affecting British nuclear policy decision-making and draws parallels between government debates about reprisals for First World War zeppelin raids on London, the strategic bombing raids of the Second World War and the evolution of the UK nuclear deterrent. It concludes that among all the technical factors, an aversion to being seen to condone civilian casualties has inhibited government engagement with the public on deterrence strategy since 1915.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Supreme emergency

        How Britain lives with the Bomb

        by Andrew Corbett

        In Supreme emergency, an ex-Trident submarine captain considers the evolution of UK nuclear deterrence policy and the implications of a previously unacknowledged aversion to military strategies that threaten civilian casualties. Drawing on extensive archival research, the book provides a unique synthesis of the factors affecting British nuclear policy decision-making and draws parallels between government debates about reprisals for First World War zeppelin raids on London, the strategic bombing raids of the Second World War and the evolution of the UK nuclear deterrent. It concludes that among all the technical factors, an aversion to being seen to condone civilian casualties has inhibited government engagement with the public on deterrence strategy since 1915.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        National perspectives on a multipolar order

        Interrogating the global power transition

        by Benjamin Zala

        The global distribution of power is changing. But how should we make sense of this moment of transition? With the rise of new powers and the decline of seemingly unchallenged US dominance in world politics, a conventional wisdom is gaining ground that a new multipolar order is taking shape. Yet multipolarity - an order with multiple centres of power - is variously used as a description of the current distribution of power, of the likely shape of a future global order, or even as a prescription for how power 'should' be distributed in the international system. To understand the power of the different - and sometimes competing - narratives on offer today about the changing global order, a global perspective is necessary. This book explores how the concept of a multipolar order is being used for different purposes in different national contexts. From rising powers to established powers, contemporary debates are analysed by a set of leading scholars to provide in-depth insight into the use and abuse of a widely employed but rarely explored concept.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        National perspectives on a multipolar order

        Interrogating the global power transition

        by Benjamin Zala

        The global distribution of power is changing. But how should we make sense of this moment of transition? With the rise of new powers and the decline of seemingly unchallenged US dominance in world politics, a conventional wisdom is gaining ground that a new multipolar order is taking shape. Yet multipolarity - an order with multiple centres of power - is variously used as a description of the current distribution of power, of the likely shape of a future global order, or even as a prescription for how power 'should' be distributed in the international system. To understand the power of the different - and sometimes competing - narratives on offer today about the changing global order, a global perspective is necessary. This book explores how the concept of a multipolar order is being used for different purposes in different national contexts. From rising powers to established powers, contemporary debates are analysed by a set of leading scholars to provide in-depth insight into the use and abuse of a widely employed but rarely explored concept.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Counter-terrorism and civil society

        Post-9/11 progress and challenges

        by Scott N. Romaniuk, Emeka Thaddues Njoku

        This book examines the intersection between national and international counter-terrorism policies and civil society in numerous national and regional contexts. The 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001 led to new waves of scholarship on the proliferation of terrorism and efforts to combat international terrorist groups, organizations, and networks. Civil society organisations have been accused of serving as ideological grounds for the recruitment of potential terrorists and a channel for terrorist financing. Consequently, states around the world have established new ranges of counter-terrorism measures that target the operations of civil society organisations exclusively. Security practices by states have become a common trend and have assisted in the establishment of 'best practices' among non-liberal democratic or authoritarian states, and are deeply entrenched in their security infrastructures. In developing or newly democratized states - those deemed democratically weak or fragile - these exceptional securities measures are used as a cover for repressing opposition groups, considered by these states as threats to their national security and political power apparatuses. This timely volume provides a detailed examination of the interplay of counter-terrorism and civil society, offering a critical discussion of the enforcement of global security measures by governments around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Counter-terrorism and civil society

        Post-9/11 progress and challenges

        by Scott N. Romaniuk, Emeka Thaddues Njoku

        This book examines the intersection between national and international counter-terrorism policies and civil society in numerous national and regional contexts. The 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001 led to new waves of scholarship on the proliferation of terrorism and efforts to combat international terrorist groups, organizations, and networks. Civil society organisations have been accused of serving as ideological grounds for the recruitment of potential terrorists and a channel for terrorist financing. Consequently, states around the world have established new ranges of counter-terrorism measures that target the operations of civil society organisations exclusively. Security practices by states have become a common trend and have assisted in the establishment of 'best practices' among non-liberal democratic or authoritarian states, and are deeply entrenched in their security infrastructures. In developing or newly democratized states - those deemed democratically weak or fragile - these exceptional securities measures are used as a cover for repressing opposition groups, considered by these states as threats to their national security and political power apparatuses. This timely volume provides a detailed examination of the interplay of counter-terrorism and civil society, offering a critical discussion of the enforcement of global security measures by governments around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        The challenge of defending Britain

        by Michael Clarke, Bill Jones

        An analysis that takes the complexity of British defence policy apart to view its anatomy and show how policy is made in this area. British defence policy is in a phase of great transition as the country confronts its Brexit future and also as world politics becomes more threatening and potentially unstable. This book uses the most up to date information to examine in a concise and readable way all the elements that go to make up Britain's defence policy as it goes through the most significant transition since the end of the Cold War in 1991. By analysing the costs of defence, the equipment issues, the personnel, the technical and intelligence back-up for it, and the strategies to employ military forces, this book offers a brief but rich guide to understanding an area of policy that many people find baffling.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        The challenge of defending Britain

        by Michael Clarke, Bill Jones

        An analysis that takes the complexity of British defence policy apart to view its anatomy and show how policy is made in this area. British defence policy is in a phase of great transition as the country confronts its Brexit future and also as world politics becomes more threatening and potentially unstable. This book uses the most up to date information to examine in a concise and readable way all the elements that go to make up Britain's defence policy as it goes through the most significant transition since the end of the Cold War in 1991. By analysing the costs of defence, the equipment issues, the personnel, the technical and intelligence back-up for it, and the strategies to employ military forces, this book offers a brief but rich guide to understanding an area of policy that many people find baffling.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Russian grand strategy in the era of global power competition

        by Andrew Monaghan, Richard Connolly

        This book offers a nuanced and detailed examination of two of the most important current debates about contemporary Russia's international activity: is Moscow acting strategically or opportunistically, and should this be understood in regional or global terms? The book addresses core themes of Russian activity - military, energy and economic - but it offers an unusual multi-disciplinary analysis to these themes. Monaghan incorporates both regional and thematic specialist expertise to give a fresh perspective to each of these core themes. Underpinned by detailed analyses of the revolution in Russian geospatial capabilities and the establishment of a strategic planning foundation, the book includes chapters on military and maritime strategies, energy security and economic diversification and influence. This serves to highlight the connections between military and economic interests that shape and drive Russian strategy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Russian grand strategy in the era of global power competition

        by Andrew Monaghan, Richard Connolly

        This book offers a nuanced and detailed examination of two of the most important current debates about contemporary Russia's international activity: is Moscow acting strategically or opportunistically, and should this be understood in regional or global terms? The book addresses core themes of Russian activity - military, energy and economic - but it offers an unusual multi-disciplinary analysis to these themes. Monaghan incorporates both regional and thematic specialist expertise to give a fresh perspective to each of these core themes. Underpinned by detailed analyses of the revolution in Russian geospatial capabilities and the establishment of a strategic planning foundation, the book includes chapters on military and maritime strategies, energy security and economic diversification and influence. This serves to highlight the connections between military and economic interests that shape and drive Russian strategy.

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