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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        THE RETURN

        Trump's Big 2024 Comeback

        by Dick Morris

        THE TRUMP REVOLUTION CANNOT SUCCEED WITHOUT TRUMP. Will he run in 2024? YOU BET HE WILL. Will he be the GOP nominee? ABSOLUTELY. Will he win the election? YES! DICK MORRIS – New York Times bestselling author, winning presidential strategist & the man TIME magazine dubbed “the most influential private citizen in America” – lays-out Trump’s secret plan to return to power in 2024. His new book: THE RETURN: TRUMP’S BIG 2024 COMEBACK.  Since 2016 Dick Morris has been a behind-the-scenes adviser to Donald Trump. Dick played a key role in Trump’s surprise 2016 win. Dick Morris reveals first time President Trump’s strategy to win in 2024. And yes, he’s running! Dick Morris says the stakes of the next elections could not be higher.  “President Trump knows the future of America rests on his shoulders,” Morris says bluntly. In his new bestseller THE RETURN Morris explains that we cannot repeat 2020—and we can’t let the Democrats get away with it again or America is lost. Dick Morris provides the road map that Trump is prepared to implement in his effort to take-back the White House and the nation. It’s all in THE RETURN.  Conservatives and MAGA supporters must realize that there are new rules. The Democrats, Big Media, Soros, and the Deep State have decided Trump must be stopped at any cost. In THE RETURN Morris reveals how to beat the Democrats and the radical left at their own game – and getting freedom-loving Americans to rise up for Trump and our democracy. Morris outlines the strategy for victory on three fronts:  MAKE CERTAIN(!) more legal, eligible voters cast ballots for Republicans, and that their votes are not offset by a torrent of illegal ballots. Morris says a new group of Trump voters are emerging who will create a New Majority.  The Republican candidate in 2024 will be, AND MUST BE, Donald J. Trump. Accept no substitutes. DeSantis is not ready for prime time. Morris explains why.  THE WINNING (TRUMP) MESSAGE: The Democrats will transform America into a nation none of us will recognize by destroying social, cultural, economic, and political freedoms. Morris says time is short. This election really is critical. With the election of 2020, everything pundits knew—or thought they knew—is obsolete in this new era of massively higher turnout.  Read THE RETURN to find out how conservatives can take advantage of the new rules to make America great again!

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019


        The War to Destroy Christian America

        by David Horowitz

        "Read this disturbing but vital book."— Tucker Carlson “One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity’s role in America."— Gov Mike Huckabee "Exposes the intolerance of many atheists toward those who believe in God. As a Jewish agnostic, I think it is imperative that disbelievers not demonize believers and that believers not demonize disbelievers." — Alan Dershowitz DARK AGENDA is an extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society — and how these efforts must be stopped. And it is written by David Horowitz, a Jew. A New York Times bestselling author and leading conservative thinker, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America’s democracy. Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish. In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz examines how our elites — increasingly secular and atheist — are pushing a radical agenda: How the left trashes Christian doctrines critical to the American Republic, much like radical Islam’s war on “infidel” cultures like ours. Why the left fights to keep prayer and religion out of public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s intentions. How fanatical liberals helped create the religious right by targeting evangelicals and believing Catholics and other conservatives. How Barack Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda galvanized the anti-God, anti-religious left. The violent and shocking manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the use of dynamite to promote “revolutionary solidarity.” Filled with stories that demonstrate the mind-numbing reasons behind the secular Left’s smug disdain for Christianity, Horowitz traces the history of religious liberty from the Founding Fathers to now. He shows how the Founding Fathers put aside their own skepticisms about God and religion to write The Declaration of Independence. Today, he writes Donald Trump’s “genuine love for his country” has galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them — as the president has become a lightning rod for the radical left. David Horowitz’s powerful new book brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and money-hungry fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it. Finally, a clear and sensible American voice — one that is not Christian but Jewish — stands up to the twisted rantings of those who want to tear down faith and bedrock of American values. In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, David Horowitz delivers an impassioned plea for the restoration of political sanity in America, a perspective that made America great by respecting the faiths of our fathers and mothers. The Best Book on Politics for Christians in 2019 — The Stream

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023


        The Next Election Could Be the Last

        by David Horowitz

        “Democrats have conducted a sustained assault on the spirit of compromise that binds the union together, and set the nation on the path to a one-party state.”“Nothing less than a handbook for the salvation of the United States of America.”—DENNIS PRAGER“Exposes the outrages perpetrated by the Biden administration and the Democratic Left.”—DINESH D’SOUZA“An ominous warning about what the future may hold if the present course is not reversed.”—PETER SCHWEIZERFINAL BATTLE exposes the real threat that Democrats pose to freedom. The rise of socialism and critical race theory, coupled with threats to the Electoral College and Senate, an independent judiciary, and the integrity of the electoral system, now threaten to destroy the traditions that bring Americans together — the heart of our democracy.Attacks on these quintessentially American customs codified by the Founding Fathers undermine the possibility of bipartisan solutions to common problems like viral pandemics and civil disorders. Americans now speak in different and antagonistic political languages, and the two parties are so polarized that the American way of life itself is at risk.In his devastating exposé of the Democrats’ nefarious goals, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz reveals the hallmarks of their strategies, including:> The double standard in justice: Antifa and BLM versus January 6> Citizenship as disposable: granting noncitizens privileges like voting, welfare, and healthcare> So-called “cancel culture” and collusion in the deplatforming of conservative voices“Empires and states rise and fall while everybody is watching. Although the watchers may be surprised when the actual collapse occurs, with the hindsight provided by the end itself, everybody can see how it fell.”Read FINAL BATTLE before it’s too late!

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