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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        The Pope and the Pill

        Sex, Catholicism and women in post-war England

        by David Geiringer

        This book is about the sexual and religious lives of Catholic women in post-war England. It uses original oral history material to uncover the way Catholic women negotiated spiritual and sexual demands at a moment when the two increasingly seemed at odds with one another. The book also examines the public pronouncements and secretive internal documents of the central Catholic Church, offering a ground-breaking new explanation of the Pope's decision to prohibit the Pill in 1968. The material gathered here offers a fresh perspective on the idea that 'sex killed God', reframing dominant approaches to the histories of sex, religion and social change. The book will be essential reading for not only scholars of sexuality, religion, gender and oral history, but anyone interested in social and cultural change more broadly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        The Pope and the pill

        Sex, Catholicism and women in post-war England

        by David Geiringer

        This book is about the sexual and religious lives of Catholic women in post-war England. It uses original oral history material to uncover the way Catholic women negotiated spiritual and sexual demands at a moment when the two increasingly seemed at odds with each other. It also examines the public pronouncements and secretive internal documents of the central Catholic Church, offering a ground-breaking new explanation of the Pope's decision to prohibit the Pill in 1968. The material gathered here offers a fresh perspective on the idea that 'sex killed God', reframing dominant approaches to the histories of sex, religion and social change. The book will be essential reading not only for scholars of sexuality, religion, gender and oral history, but anyone interested in social and cultural change more broadly.

      • Biography & True Stories
        July 2018

        Just Love

        A journey of self-acceptance

        by Jayne Ozanne

        From one of the UK's most widely-respected gay evangelicals comes a powerful faith memoir of overcoming inner conflict and taking a stand against one of the greatest institutional injustices of our time. Just Love is the autobiography of Jayne Ozanne, a prominent gay Anglican, who struggled for over 40 years to reconcile her faith with her sexuality before becoming one of the leading figures that is ushering in a new era of LGBTI acceptance in the Church. Jayne’s story includes: a faith journey in which she became a founding member of the Church of England’s Archbishops’ Council, working in charities she has set up that has taken her from the White House to the jungles of Burma; studying as a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University to working alongside international figures such as Tony Blair and the Vicar of Baghdad; becoming hospitalised as she attempted to find ‘healing’ from her sexuality, and then ostracised by many Christians after she finally decided she had no choice but to come out; becoming a high-profile campaigner for LGBTI acceptance in the Church and helping to lead the revolt in the General Synod that overturned the House of Bishops’ report on same-sex marriage. Jayne’s story serves as a lifeline for LGBTI Christians struggling to reconcile their faith with their sexuality.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2012

        The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus

        The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra

        by Adam C. English

        With his rosy cheeks and matching red suit—and ever-present elf and reindeer companions—Santa Claus may be the most identifiable of fantastical characters. But what do we really know of jolly old Saint Nicholas, "patron saint" of Christmastime? Ask about the human behind the suit, and the tale we know so well quickly fades into myth and folklore.In The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus, religious historian Adam English tells the true and compelling tale of Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra. Around the fourth century in what is now Turkey, a boy of humble circumstance became a man revered for his many virtues. Chief among them was dealing generously with his possessions, once lifting an entire family out of poverty with a single--and secret--gift of gold, so legend tells. Yet he was much more than virtuous. As English reveals, Saint Nicholas was of integral influence in events that would significantly impact the history and development of the Christian church, including the Council of Nicaea, the destruction of the temple to Artemis in Myra, and a miraculous rescue of three falsely accused military officers. And Nicholas became the patron saint of children and sailors, merchants and thieves, as well as France, Russia, Greece, and myriad others.Weaving together the best historical and archaeological evidence available with the folklore and legends handed down through generations, English creates a stunning image of this much venerated Christian saint. With prose as enjoyable as it is informative, he shows why the life--and death--of Nicholas of Myra so radically influenced the formation of Western history and Christian thought, and did so in ways many have never realized. ; 1. Finding St. Nicholas2. Out of a Dying World Comes a Light3. Three Gifts and One Election4. The Work of Victory5. Riots, Beheadings, and Other Near Misfortunes6. Death Is Only the BeginningNotesRecommended ReadingsIndex

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2015

        Wrestling With the Angel

        A Convert's Tale

        by Jon Elsby

        Who am I? Am I an autonomous being, able to define myself by my own free choices, or a created being with a given human nature, living in a world which, in significant respects, does not depend on me? Are these two views necessarily opposed? Wrestling With the Angel is one man’s attempt to answer those questions. Raised as a Protestant, the author lost his faith in his teenage years, and then gradually regained it – but in an unexpected form. This is the story of a spiritual and intellectual journey from Protestantism to atheism, and beyond: a journey which finally, and much to the author’s surprise, reached its terminus in the Catholic Church.   Available at Amazon and other online retailers.

      • Religion & beliefs
        April 2016

        Der Kreuzweg - Jesus besiegt den Tod

        Ewiges Leben in Gottes strahlendem Herzen

        by Karin Waldl

        Der Kreuzweg als Erlebnis für Kinder und Jugendliche. Ein moderner Kreuzweg, der auch die 15. Station, Jesu Auferstehung, beinhaltet. Die Botschaft des Lebens als frohe Botschaft steht im Vordergrund. Die Texte sind der Gefühls- und Gedankenwelt der Heranwachsenden angepasst. Die liebevoll und schlicht illustrierten Bilder laden zum gemeinsamen Nachdenken ein. Insgesamt ist der Kreuzweg nicht nur für die Arbeit in der Gemeinde oder im Religionsunterricht geeignet, sondern ein Buch für die ganze Familie.

      • Christian life & practice

        As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You

        Theology and Spirituality of Priestly Apostolic Ministry

        by Ángel Cordovilla

        This work, halfway between the personal testimony and the theological reflection, is divided into three parts. The first displays the historical and cultural situation that has provoked a radical change in the way of perceiving and understanding priestly ministry. The second identifies four features that may enlighten nowadays the image and mission of the priest: the disciple, apostolic, fraternal, and secular dimensions. The third part deepens into the basic tasks of his mission –the preaching of the Gospel, the sanctification by way of the sacramental and liturgical action, and the guidance of God’s people–, without forgetting that the criterion that must guide and feed the apostolic existence is the daily practice of the ministry, the true and proper way to holiness.

      • Biblical studies & exegesis

        The Way of the Disciple

        Following Jesus according Mark's Gospel

        by Santiago Guijarro

        The originality of this work is the invitation to read the Gospel in light of the experience of Jesus’ discipleship. The circumstances of today’s readers are certainly different from those of the first disciples. Nowadays, possibly no one makes a living by fishing with rudimentary techniques in a small lake and no one speaks the language of those fishermen...  Yet, today’s readers can easily share with them the experience of being called by Jesus and the joy of being by His side. They may even know first hand how difficult it is sometimes to persevere in following Jesus. We must remember today the founding experiences of our faith, discipleship being one of them.

      • Christianity

        Invitation to Christianity

        Experience and Truth

        by Olegario González de Cardedal

        True teachers have invited us to search for what they considered essential to live a full life: to seek the truth, to love the neighbor, to cultivate wisdom, to find the meaning of history and to search God. This book is an invitation to know Christianity from within. The origin of Christianity lies in the historical event of Jesus of Nazareth, who proposed a particular way of life and of truth. The experience of millions of men and women who throughout the centuries have thought about Christianity and lived it gives witness to a reality which can be intellectually thought and lived, whose practice is affable and feasible, and which remains an open and accessible path to search for Jesus Christ’s God.

      • Philosophy

        Anthropology of Christian Vocation

        From Person to Person

        by Juan Manuel Cabiedas

        The question regarding how to guide one’s own life is among the most pressing and serious questions. Both in its sacred understanding, as referring to a trascendent call, and in its lay conception, that connects the feeling of happiness to one’s self-fulfillment, the word vocation expresses the right way that a person follows to succesfully lead his or her own life. This may be the reason why, when talking about vocation, the word echoes all the elements that make up the identity of the human being: corporeity and spirituality, intelligence and sensitivity, conscience and freedom, personal biography and collective history. Without vocation, the personal being is doomed to treat oneself and to be treated with indifference.

      • Ancient history: to c 500 CE

        Christianity as a Lifestyle

        The Early Followers of Jesus in Ponto and Bithynia

        by Santiago Guijarro

        Christianity’s initial expansion was a phenomenon of the apostolic generation (30-70 AD). However, the first evangelization would not have had a lasting effect if the Christian beliefs and lifestyle had not been rooted in the communities of Jesus’ followers. The work of consolidation was the mission of the following generation (70-110), which continued the task started by the first missionaries.  By analyzing a concrete case, the author studies the role played by the second Christian generation, who can be traced thanks to two complementary, yet very different pieces of evidence: the First Letter of Peter and one of the letters of Pliny the Young to Trajan.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Faith to Rise: A Journey to Joy and Centering

        by Julie Fitz-Gerald

        Faith to Rise: A Journey to Joy and Centering  offers 52 weekly devotionals that are honest, relatable, and will inspire readers to embrace life – curveballs and all. Along with journaling prompts and discussion points inviting readers to go deeper, each weekly chapter features stunning photographs of landscapes in various seasons, showcasing the natural beauty of the world that surrounds us.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Es tarde, pero es nuestra hora

        by Emma Martínez Ocaña

        Este libro, aunque fraguado y pensado a lo largo de los últimos años, ha brotado durante el confinamiento provocado por la COVID-19.No solo es una reflexión sobre el acontecimiento en sí y sobre lo que podríamos aprender de él, sino una mirada a las causas más profundas, con la finalidad de alertar ante la urgencia y gravedad de la situación actual: Es tarde.Al mismo tiempo, la autora quieres unir su voz a tantas otras que nos alertan de la urgencia de realizar cambios profundos para salvar la vida en nuestro planeta y a nuestra especie en él: Es nuestra hora.Es nuestra generación la que tiene que responsabilizarse. Pero será madrugada, es decir, aún estamos a tiempo, aún es posible emprender los cambios; en vez de derrotismo, a lo largo de estas páginas encontraremos una llamada a la esperanza activa y comprometida.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Abrid mentes, tocad corazones

        by Jorge A. Sierra

        Juan Bautista de La Salle estaba llamado a una vida cómoda y llena de privilegios, pero se dejó conmover por la situación de los niños y jóvenes abandonados y sin educación. Escuchando la palabra de Dios, con profunda fe, se puso en camino, sin mirar atrás.Revolucionó la pedagogía y la organización de la escuela en pleno siglo XVII, pero no lo hizo como un simple maestro, sino como un hermano, formando comunidades de educadores dispuestos a dedicar todas sus fuerzas a la educación humana y cristiana.Su mensaje no quedó en el olvido: se sigue desarrollando en todos los países y después de más de trescientos años. Ahora, nos toca a nosotros la labor: seguir abriendo las mentes y tocando los corazones, poniéndonos al servicio de la educación integral de los más necesitados.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        June 2011

        Resting In the Bosom Of the Lamb

        by Augusta Trobaugh

        Four elderly southern women share a house, a history, and heartbreaking secrets. Baby girl, I hope you’re listening real good to what I’m gonna tell you about that sure-enough miracle we got us. Had to be a miracle, because in all my born days, I didn’t never think it could turn out like this. Didn’t never think you’d be sitting right here on this very porch with me, hearing me talk about all us folks you don’t know nothing much about yet.. . . Back then, I didn’t really know that all the folks who came ahead of us are like the brown roots of a big old vine growing close to the porch, and even though those roots are way down deep in the ground where we can’t see them, they’re still there. And we grow from them, our whole lives, and then, if we’re lucky, others grow from us. Well, I expect that the ones who came before us—black and white—had things they had to keep still about, too, just like me and Miss Cora. Things we had to do, whether we liked it or not. And then never speak of them again. Augusta Trobaugh is the acclaimed author of fine novels including PraiseJerusalem, Sophie and the Rising Sun, and coming soon, Music From Beyond the Moon.

      • Historical fiction
        July 2010

        River Of Fire

        by Jacquelyn Cook

        Two men desired Adrianna. Only a river of fire could prove which one deserved her love and trust. Adrianna, the granddaughter of a prominent Alabama senator, is rich, beautiful, and an exalted member of antebellum society. Yet she longs for an enduring passion. She's attracted to the respectable Foy, yet can't be certain his actions match his righteous talk. His competition, the rakish and elegant Green Bethune, promises a life of adventure in the world far from Adrianna's quiet, isolated hometown of Eufaula, but is Green a wolf in fine clothing? The choice may tear her soul apart.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        October 2010

        Beyond the Searching River

        by Jacquelyn Cook

        As a child, Libba Ramsey lost her family in the Civil War. Her life since then—orphaned, a charity case—has been hard. Now the kindly Wadley family of central Georgia has invited her to their home in Macon. But how can a young woman still struggling with memories of the war’s horrors find a future in a new place? And how can she ever give her heart to a man until she fully resolves her past? The fourth book in Jacquelyn Cook’s popular and inspirational River series once again treats her fans to vivid, heartfelt, historically accurate stories of faith, romance and hope. Praised by historians and beloved by readers, Cook’s intimate, sentimental novels of the antebellum South—respectful yet celebrating the transformation of that era—are modern classics.

      • Christian social thought & activity

        Amazing Graces

        Pe-prandial Words of Spiritual Uplift to Grace Any Gathering

        by William J. Morris

        The Very Revd. William J. Morris has become famous for his unique ability to pen graces appropriate for formal dinners and professional gatherings. This book consists of some 150 graces suitable for people involved in trades' houses and merchants; medical and dental professions; the media, accountancy; industry & business; banking; the law; sport; schools and education; clubs, societies and associations; the church; chambers of commerce; motoring and the police. Here's an example for dentists: Lord, with this food may we be blessed, The talk be good; the wine, each guest, As warm or cool as may be right. These fellows school, Lord, so we might, As we may need, above, beneath, Whenever we feed, enjoy sound teeth!

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