The Four Gospels
Third Revised Edition
by Santiago Guijarro
Towards the end of the second century A.D., the apostolic Church accepted the fourfold Gospel, that is, the four versions of the one Gospel preached from the beginning, the versions which were credited with being a true reflection of Jesus’ Good News. The present book is founded upon a simple premise: all four Gospels must be read and studied together. In the introduction, the author deals with the context (the books about Jesus written at that time) and explains why the Church chose exclusively these four books. Next, the author goes on to present the formation process of the Gospels, to study the relationship between them, and to analyze the oral tradition and the material used by the evangelists. Finally, the book offers an in-depth analysis of each Gospel: process of formation, literary structure and existential context. Essay, reference book, encyclopaedia, handbook on the four Gospels… all these titles are a accurate definition of this work.