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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        You are Not Your Selfie

        9 digital secrets that everybody knows but nobody explains

        by Liliana Arroyo

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The True Professional

        First and Second Steps in the Workplace

        by David Cerdá

        The True Professional. First and Second Stpes lin the Workplace How to manage a new job, and how to leave it with elegance. How to be competent and competitive. How to trust others, and that they trust you. How to let yourself be taught, and be willing to teach. How important is reputation. How to approach your professional vocation as a service to others. Aimed at people who lead business management, organizational management, innovation and personal growth.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The reasons for alter-globalization

        Naomi Klein and surroundings

        by David Montesinos

        In this essay, David Montesinos analyzes the importance of the works of Naomi Klein (Canada, 1970) on the drift of contemporary capitalism. Since the publication of "No logo" (2000) and "The Shock Doctrine" (2007), Naomi Klein has criticized the most oppressive practices of capitalism and its painful consequences on millions of people. Today we know that the accelerated destruction of the environment is part of the same logic of destructive expansion, hence Klein's support for a Green New Deal. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the significance of the shock doctrine has been manifested, the essential elements of which come into force with the confinement and blocking of productive activity throughout the world. The author, based on a detailed rereading of all of Klein's essays to date, responds to detractors who discredit, through simplistic topics and formulas, the proposals of the Canadian journalist. This book reflects the current importance of Naomi Klein's questions that allow us to understand what is happening and what the immediate future holds for us. The time has come to decide if we want more hate populism, more racism, more climate change, more oligarchic capitalism and less citizen rights, or understand that this crisis and the previous one are the product of an unsustainable model of life and a predatory productive system, destined to commercialize absolutely everything, and to promote inequality and the lack of protection of the majority.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        The Brain, ¿Ally or enemy?

        Guía práctica fácil para sacarle todo su potencial

        by Gustavo Piera

        The Brain, ¿Ally or Enemy? practical and easy guide to get the most out of your potential.   The most extraordinary device you can imagine is hidden in your head. A machine with "hardware" and "Software" of the latest generation, whose operation affects each area of ​​your life and determines your future. this super computer is your brain.   This book is a practical guide, it shows you how your brain works, both physically and mentally, and offers you the necessary tools to program it in the most appropriate way and get the most out of it. Leave self-sabotage behind and make your brain your ally with proven techniques such as meditation, visualization, brain maps, among others, with which you will learn to manage your emotions, enhance your memory, make better decisions, master fear and combat stressReach the balance you have always wanted and live a full and happy life.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2019

        To the barricades. Culture, identity and political mobilization

        by José Álvarez Junco

        This book gathers some of the author’s many works, selected for their interest about recent historiographical debates. They analyze the main topics that have articulated his long research career: history and theory of social movements, especially of the workers; doctrines, ideologies, myths and rhetoric; the concept of populism and the evolution of nationalist phenomena. The monograph is a good example of the best academic analysis of culture, identity and political mobilization in contemporary Spain.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2021

        La era de Casandra

        Una apología del no saber

        by David Casacuberta

        La era de Casandra cuestiona la actual moda ensayística de intentar reducir la complejidad de nuestra sociedad a algún principio abstracto y mal definido con el que se pretende explicar todas las facetas de nuestra vida, ya sea ofreciendo escenarios apocalípticos u optimismos ingenuos. Como alternativa, el texto propone una epistemología del no saber, de aceptar que no existen modelos que lo puedan explicar todo y resolver cada problema desde su contexto concreto y la incertidumbre inevitable. En un tono ameno y a veces irónico, se analizan así tendencias actuales como el neurocientismo y creer que puede entenderse toda actividad humana con solo examinar detalladamente nuestras neuronas, la cultura de la cancelación, pasando por las teorías que presentan el mundo digital como un entorno manipulador del que no podemos escapar.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The Day After the Great Epidemics

        From the Bubonic Plague to the Coronavirus

        by José Enrique Ruiz‐Domènec

        How have societies dealt with the "day after" the great epidemics?From the Plague to the Coronavirus, the response of humanity throughout history In extreme situations, human beings need answers and we look back in history for information. The five moments covered here were key episodes in which the challenge of a major epidemic was followed by a judicious response that opened up a promising future. An epidemic comes when you least expect it, but we are not the first to have suffered one, and history offers us excellent examples that we must take into account when redirecting our situation. The bubonic plague of 542 in Constantinople, the great epidemics brought to the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, or the Spanish Flu of 1918‐1920 generated a health crisis that is familiar to us today. In these episodes, wise and unwise decisions were made, but in the end societies showed they were up to the task. Today the challenge is set, and history can help us find intelligent and creative solutions that lead to a promising future.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        From the Apple to the Screen

        Love, sex and desire in the digital age

        by Marta Roqueta

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        Live only

        by Sara Montesinos and Martí Albesa

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The European Civil War


        by José Luis Comellas

        The writer tries very carefully to explain why he comprises both conflicts in one, the reasons he reckons it must have been called a civil war and finally his decision of using the term European on his description. Readers will find a panoramic viewpoint throughout a thirty-year conflict entitled “between the wars” and its most important historical events. Just as the author states in the introduction, the fact remains that an explanation of what happens and why is probably his most valued contribution.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Tips for Prayer

        by Ricardo Sada

        Drawing on the writings of the great prayers of history and the experience of various people, the author offers us here clues to learn to communicate with God on a daily basis: the importance of silence, inner peace and recollection, knowing how to listen, pray with Scripture, spending time before the Eucharist, etc.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2018

        Good bye, Truth

        by Joan Garcia del Muro

        La veritat sembla que s’ha convertit en una més de les mercaderies que tenim al nostre abast: actuem com si estiguéssim convençuts que podem adquirir la veritat que més ens convingui, la més còmoda, la que menys desestabilitzi els nostres prejudicis. És allò que es coneix com a postveritat, un concepte que ha connectat de manera admirable amb el consumisme que caracteritza la cultura actual. La validesa d’un discurs no té ja res a veure amb antigues adequacions entre allò que es diu i la realitat dels fets. Té a veure amb el poder. La veritat del discurs només depèn que tinguem prou poder per comprar-la i, després, per fer-la valer, per imposar-la. La voluntat alliberadora que comportava el good bye a la veritat, en realitat, ha estat ben paradoxal: ha contribuït a alliberar aquells que ja eren lliures (i a sotmetre encara un xic més aquells a qui, en teoria, havia d’alliberar).

      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Aesthetics and Communication in the viral age

        by Julio Pérez Manzanares

        We currently live in an entirely pornographic society. One just needs to switch on the TV and  watch the news, or a sensationalist program to  come across explicit images, impudent behavior or the use of obscene language, referring to the actions of any current criminal or politician. Thus, pornography has abandoned that closed, intimate, almost censored space, and has gravitated to all areas of daily life.In this book, the author shows how pornography is inserted in our everyday life; and for this reason, chooses to speak of post-pornography, to approach, precisely, that moment in which the pornographic language has abandoned its niche to occupy and redirect communication in the public arena.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The condition of the common man

        Essay on the Humanism of George Orwell

        by Oriol Quintana

        It is known that 1984 and Animal Farm are widely distributed works and that they constitute the most important legacy of George Orwell, and although it can be affirmed that all the novels of the British writer try to rethink humanism and answer the old question about what the man should do with his life, there are novels that are considered minor that have not been studied in depth, despite the fact that they portray in a surprising and unexpected way what is provisionally called the «spiritual conditions» in which ourlives currently unfold.Oriol Quintana maintains that Orwell’s humanism has much to say about the greatest problems of our time, and he firmly believes that if we manage to think of a valid proposal in the face of these new challenges, it will be precisely because we have heard the voice of the great British writer.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The past does not exist

        Essay on history

        by Justo Serna

        What is history? At some point in time, it was  thought that it was a useless discipline, as if itwere only ornamental knowledge. Investigating about the recent or remote past is not a hobby, it is a practical activity that helps the individual and the community. But history can’t just tell  people what they want to hear. The past is inert, fatal, something that cannot be reproduced.The past does not exist but vestiges remain,  remnants of actions, traces of the past that areremembered with a current meaning, not always coinciding with what they had. In this book, Justo Serna makes a defense of the historian’s profession as a teacher and of history as a discipline, since the acquisition of a historical culture helps to know the kind of individuals we are or aspire to be.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The wedding. History of rites and celebrations. The wedding dress

        by Maribel Bandrés Oto

        This book takes a look at what the Wedding has meant throughout history, its rites and customs. It deals with the concept of virginity, dowry and many other rites that are still in use today.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of Tobacco. Implication in Art

        by Maribel Bandrés Oto

        A complete and well-documented study on the history of tobacco and its use. Chronologically treated from its discovery, more than five centuries ago, its arrival in Europe, to the social use it has today.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2019

        The construction of regional identities in Spain, France and Germany, 1890-1939

        by Eric Storm

        Many of the existing regional topics were forged in the late 19th or early 20th century. Painters, architects and international exhibitions -such as those in Barcelona and Seville- played a crucial role in the definition and visualization of the idiosyncratic character of each region. This pioneering book compares the process of building regional identities in Spain with that of France and Germany, showing that regionalist paintings, houses and pavilions were generally interpreted as a sample of (regional) diversity within the (national) unit. The culture of regionalism was therefore part of a new phase of the nationalization process, while its relations with the various regional movements were weak.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2019

        Resistance and practices of rebellion at the age of Reformations (16th-18th centuries)

        by Rocío G. Sumillera, Manuela Águeda García-Garrido, José Luis Martínez-Dueñas

        The chapters in this volume examine various understandings of theories of political resistance and obedience on the part of myriad authors, Catholic as well as Protestant, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. They consider how the Reformation spurred reflections on the concept of resistance, pondering over the circumstances that would call for resistance and that would sanction it, and the agents who could legitimately initiate and manage the deposition of political, religious and royal authorities. From sixteenth-century Spanish readings of the Reformation, to different episodes of active resistance through France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, to the experience of religious exiles in the English colonies in North America, this volume provides an illustrative sample of case studies on, on the one hand, processes of construction of the rhetoric of resistance, and, on the other, instances of actual uprisings.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        Invitation to utopia

        Historical study for times of crisis

        by Juan José Tamayo

        In times of crisis, utopia is more necessary than ever. In the middle of the present darkness, this book wants to rehabilitate and activate utopia in a critical and dialectical sense. It analyzes different typologies (utopias, counter-utopias and dystopias) covering its historical landmarks and setting its place in philosophy and theology, and elaborating a new utopian proposal that does not impose an ethnocentric vision of the future.

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