Colonial Age of Hong Kong: The Colonial Governance of the United Kingdom
by KWONG Kin-ming
Why is Beijing failing to accomplish what London had achieved in Hong Kong? East Asia specialist, KWONG Kin-ming, reviews the 155-year British governance of Hong Kong and dissects the underlying reasons for China’s frustration with its inability to tame “Global Hong Kong.”倫敦做到的,北京為甚麼做不到?學者鄺健銘回顧155年港英管治術,剖析中國無法成功管治「世界香港」的原因。香港作為國際城市的定位,早在十九世紀末已經建立。英治時期的英港關係,倫敦對港的「間接管治」,乃至當年港英殖民地的政府社會關係、地區行政和公共行政體系建設等,對當下的中國香港管治有重大啟示。終章比較不同帝國管治模式之差異,論證九七之後香港管治從英殖靠往日殖的模式轉變。Click here for more information