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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2019

        Colonial Age of Hong Kong: The Colonial Governance of the United Kingdom

        by KWONG Kin-ming

        Why is Beijing failing to accomplish what London had achieved in Hong Kong? East Asia specialist, KWONG Kin-ming, reviews the 155-year British governance of Hong Kong and dissects the underlying reasons for China’s frustration with its inability to tame “Global Hong Kong.”倫敦做到的,北京為甚麼做不到?學者鄺健銘回顧155年港英管治術,剖析中國無法成功管治「世界香港」的原因。香港作為國際城市的定位,早在十九世紀末已經建立。英治時期的英港關係,倫敦對港的「間接管治」,乃至當年港英殖民地的政府社會關係、地區行政和公共行政體系建設等,對當下的中國香港管治有重大啟示。終章比較不同帝國管治模式之差異,論證九七之後香港管治從英殖靠往日殖的模式轉變。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Blockchain Sociology

        by Kin Ko

        Blockchain is now at the same stage of development as the internet was in the 1990s.Kin Ko, founder of the cryptocurrency LikeCoin, explains in this book how blockchain becomes a game changer to social order.當今的區塊鏈,相當於九十年代的互聯網!加密貨幣LikeCoin 發起人高重建,解構區塊鏈如何成為改變社會秩序的新興動力。高重建由信任、價值、媒體、管治四個層面,闡釋區塊鏈改革社會的潛力。他以發行 LikeCoin 的經驗及多個例子,揭示創新者可以去中心化卻沒人可竄改的區塊鏈平台,重建價值觀、實踐核心價值、以至建構公共討論空間,創造流動民主。本書設五個「習學工作坊」,引領新手踏出第一步,走進區塊鏈世界。本書獲台灣數位政委唐鳳推薦!Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        The Korean Wave: How South Korea Is Conquering the World through Pop Culture?

        by Cyrus Ng

        Cyrus Ng, a researcher of K-pop culture, explains the remarkable force behind the evolution of the South Korean popular culture and unveils how the Korean government, chaebols and entertainment agencies are joining hands to storm the world through social media-driven Korean fandom.韓流達人伍麒匡,闡釋韓流高速進化的非凡動力,也揭示韓國政府、財閥及製作團隊之間的張力,如何結合數碼媒體,席捲全球。 作者研究韓國文化多年,以超人氣作品為引子,檢視韓國如何於短短二十多年間,將文化育成國家重要的經濟產業,剖析其成功因素及陰暗面,綜論電影、音樂、電視劇、綜藝節目等領域,也檢視韓流如何結合造星工廠、網絡漫畫、影視串流平台、數碼及社交媒體,展示撼動美國流行文化的力量。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2016

        Juxtaposition of Two Cities: Singapore’s Model and Hong Kong’s Future

        by KWONG Kin-ming

        Singapore and Hong Kong have been regarded as “twin cities” in that both are former British colonies and major trading ports in Asia. They are, at the same time, long-time rivals battling for the title of Asia’s leading city. East Asia specialist, KWONG Kin-ming, studies the past and present models of Singapore and looks for a way out for Hong Kong’s future. 新加坡與香港,同是港口城市,同歷英國殖民,不時在國際較勁。學者鄺健銘,剖析「新加坡模式」的過去與現在,透視香港的未來。新加坡大步向前之際,香港卻站在大時代的路口,思考茫茫前路。究竟家長式強政勵治的「新加坡模式」是否救港的靈丹妙藥?「新加坡模式」有何缺陷與不足?「香港模式」又是否相形見絀,未來可以如何自救、走出困局?Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019

        Insanity Crimes 2

        by Dr.Ho Mei Yee Robyn

        Dr. Ho Mei Yee, an authoritative forensic psychiatrist, takes you inside the minds of criminals and explores the psychiatric reasons for a person’s drastic change in personality, which eventually lead to criminal behaviors. Volume 2 further probes into the inner world of psychiatric patients involved in sex crimes.性、愛、慾,為何會扭曲至瘋狂,而且跨越了法律底線?法醫精神科權威何美怡醫生,探索性罪犯的內心世界,並提出紓緩病情的方法。 雙重人格的鳳姐殺手,偷拍裙底的醫師、刺殺「隱形強姦犯」的失戀女……法醫精神科權威何美怡醫生,以改編自真實案例的八個故事,剖析患者如何走上扭曲性愛的失常罪之路。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Insanity Crimes

        by Dr.Ho Mei Yee Robyn

        Dr. Ho Mei Yee, an authoritative forensic psychiatrist, takes you inside the minds of criminals and explores the psychiatric reasons for a person’s drastic change in personality, which eventually lead to criminal behaviors. Volume 1 attempts to unveil the mystery and myths shrouding forensic psychiatry through 6 real cases.法醫精神科權威何美怡醫生,帶領你潛入犯罪者的內心,探索為何人會性情劇變,跨越法律的底線,走向瘋狂的犯罪之路。想與子女同歸於盡的單親媽媽、把僱主開膛破肚的恐怖傭人、把情婦刺殺卻試圖脫身的男人……周旋於失常罪犯之間,法醫精神科何美怡醫生以六宗改編自真實案例的故事為切入點,揭開「精神科X法律」的神秘面紗,探尋正常與失常、理智與瘋狂之間,最模糊的界線。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Trilogy of Introductory Philosophy by Corrupt the Youth (小日常的哲學)

        by Corrupt the Youth

        More than 2000 years ago, Socrates, one the founding fathers of Philosophy, was condemned to death for corrupting the youth. Today, a group of young philosophers who crave to carry on the spirit of philosophy has founded “Corrupt the Youth” in search of the essence of life, language, science, ethics, knowledge and politics.人生匆匆數十載,不過是重重複複的小日常。穿衣上班去旅行、聽歌上網打機談戀愛,哲學探問最終極的大問題,亦反省最平凡的小日常。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2017

        Trilogy of Introductory Philosophy by Corrupt the Youth (好青年哲學讀本)

        by Corrupt the Youth

        More than 2000 years ago, Socrates, one the founding fathers of Philosophy, was condemned to death for corrupting the youth. Today, a group of young philosophers who crave to carry on the spirit of philosophy has founded “Corrupt the Youth” in search of the essence of life, language, science, ethics, knowledge and politics.二千多年前,蘇格拉底因荼毒青年而被判死;今天,一群盼哲學延續不息的青年建立「荼毒室」,追問生命、語言、科學、倫理、知識、政治等本質Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Trilogy of Introductory Philosophy by Corrupt the Youth (大時代的哲學)

        by Corrupt the Youth

        More than 2000 years ago, Socrates, one the founding fathers of Philosophy, was condemned to death for corrupting the youth. Today, a group of young philosophers who crave to carry on the spirit of philosophy has founded “Corrupt the Youth” in search of the essence of life, language, science, ethics, knowledge and politics.時代動蕩,即使我們不質疑時代,時代也會向我們發問。種族、民主、抗爭、環境、科技、愛情,無一不成問題。大時代的哲學,時代問,我們亦問。Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        The Labyrinth of North Korea

        by Pazu Kong

        North Korea is like a reclusive show and an impassable labyrinth. Pazu Kong, a travel enthusiast, took a peek into the mystery of the labyrinth during his winter visit to North Korea.北韓,一台看不透的戲、一個進退不得的迷宮。旅遊愛好者Pazu薯伯伯,深入謎之迷宮,窺看朝鮮之冬。在這國度裡,有一位被人民尊稱為「太陽」的永遠領導人。太陽底下,鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊甘,光怪陸離,難分真與假。如何在金光籠罩下看見陰暗;如何在千篇一律中找出不同;如何在核心的外圍窺見內圍,才是這迷宮的真正玩法。作者於增訂版中,再記下在朝鮮境外遇上北韓人的小故事。Click here for more information

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