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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2023

        Dirty books

        Erotic fiction and the avant-garde in mid-century Paris and New York

        by Barry Reay, Nina Attwood

        From the 1930s to the 1970s, in New York and in Paris, daring publishers and writers were producing banned pornographic literature. The books were written by young, impecunious writers, poets, and artists, many anonymously. Most of these pornographers wrote to survive, but some also relished the freedom to experiment that anonymity provided - men writing as women, and women writing as men - and some (Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller) went on to become influential figures in modernist literature. Dirty books tells the stories of these authors and their remarkable publishers: Jack Kahane of Obelisk Press and his son Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, whose catalogue and repertoire anticipated that of the more famous US publisher Grove Press. It offers a humorous and vivid snapshot of a fascinating moment in pornographic and literary history, uncovering a hidden, earlier history of the sexual revolution, when the profits made from erotica helped launch the careers of literary cult figures.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2023

        Dirty books

        Erotic fiction and the avant-garde in mid-century Paris and New York

        by Barry Reay, Nina Attwood

        From the 1930s to the 1970s, in New York and in Paris, daring publishers and writers were producing banned pornographic literature. The books were written by young, impecunious writers, poets, and artists, many anonymously. Most of these pornographers wrote to survive, but some also relished the freedom to experiment that anonymity provided - men writing as women, and women writing as men - and some (Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller) went on to become influential figures in modernist literature. Dirty books tells the stories of these authors and their remarkable publishers: Jack Kahane of Obelisk Press and his son Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, whose catalogue and repertoire anticipated that of the more famous US publisher Grove Press. It offers a humorous and vivid snapshot of a fascinating moment in pornographic and literary history, uncovering a hidden, earlier history of the sexual revolution, when the profits made from erotica helped launch the careers of literary cult figures.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2025

        Dirty books

        Erotic fiction and the avant-garde in mid-century Paris and New York

        by Barry Reay, Nina Attwood

        An intimate history of the pornographic publisher behind some of the greatest works of the twentieth-century avant-garde. From the 1930s to the 1970s, in New York and in Paris, daring publishers and writers were producing banned pornographic literature. The authors of the books were young, impecunious writers, poets and artists. Most of them wrote to survive, but some relished the freedom to experiment that anonymity provided - men writing as women, women writing as men - and some, such as Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller, went on to become influential figures in modernist literature. Dirty books tells the stories of these writers and their remarkable publishers: Jack Kahane of Obelisk Press and his son Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, whose catalogue and repertoire anticipated that of the more famous US publisher Grove Press. It offers a humorous and vivid snapshot of a fascinating moment in pornographic and literary history, uncovering a hidden, earlier history of the sexual revolution, when the profits made from erotica helped launch the careers of literary cult figures.

      • Erotic fiction
        January 2022

        Wet Sand

        by DOYAK

        An instant hit BL webcomic series launched on August 2022 - Digital serializations available in CN DE EN FR KR TH - To be serialized in more languages - Vol. 1 of its print book to be published soon   Joseph and Ian meet by pure coincidence in a back alley in Asian Town. While the two quickly become close, Joseph starts to get tangled in the past Ian has tried to push away. Meanwhile, TJ, a high-ranking gang member and Ian's long-time friend and only family, can't seem to let go of his obsession towards Ian, who's left the gang. Now, Ian faces a choice. On one side is Joseph, who is the first person in Ian's life to show him what a stable, loving relationship looks like. On the other, is TJ, with whom he had a passionate love affair during his tumultuous gang days. Who will Ian choose...?

      • Romance
        December 2018


        by Thais Duthie

      • Crime & mystery

        Lies Behind The Woods

        by Bradley Cornish

        He thought he witnessed a kidnapping. He thought he did the right thing. He thought he was a hero. He thought, he thought…. Until his thoughts came back to haunt him. Steve Breiten is a college professor who has a long line of failed relationships behind him. All he wants is a long vacation in the mountains, free of drama and responsibilities, where he can relax, read, and maybe even start writing his book. He didn’t expect a mysterious woman to walk into his office – never actually that woman Tara Murphy, the one who had been kidnapped years ago but rescued after a tip he’d left at the police station. Now, Steve’s plan for the summer is deemed to be shift, while this encounter will change his solitary academic life forever. Tara is determined to show her gratitude for his actions that fateful day, and she won’t take no for an answer. As the heat builds between them, Steve finds himself at a moral crossroads and his resistance to her sexual advances fading away. It’s only a matter of time before she leads him to the dark secret that lies behind the woods for years … Don’t miss this thrilling, fast-paced tale of love, lust, and betrayal.

      • Fiction

        Todos mis padres

        by Fernando Yacamán

        This book is a gay-themed novel, set in Mexico City between the eighties of the last century and the present decade. Through its pages we observe the search for the identity of Luis Habib, a young man who lives the gay night of the city, with all its temptations and all its dangers. Luis has several sexual and affective relationships, among them with “El Centauro”, a university professor of Geography, who is married and has a son, and always keeps Luis at a distance. Luis's relationships are almost always with older men, men who in many ways are also cruel and violent, a bit like his father, like "El Coyote".

      • Fiction

        Dunkler Frühling / Dark Spring

        by Unica Zürn

        The last work of the surrealist writer In Dark Spring author Unica Zürn traces the roots of her obsessions: the exotic father she idealized, the „impure“ mother she detested, the masochistic fantasies and onanistic rituals which she said described the „erotic life of a little girl based on my own childhood“. Dark Spring is the story of a young girl’s simultaneous introduction to sexuality and mental illness, revealing a different aspect of the „mad love“ so romanticized by the Surrealists.

      • Erotic fiction
        April 2021

        Guild of Shadows

        by Anna Triss

        “We are all destined for the kiss of Death. Only gods are immortal. » The Guild of Shadows rules the miserable streets of Hourglass, aka the City of Vices. These Elfid assassins have been the armed arms of the Goddess of Death for five centuries. To accomplish their dark work, they use their sharp blades as well as their supernatural Gifts. On this day, the Guild of Shadows welcomes a new recruit to its underground. For the first time in the history of Earthflame, a human child is approached to become a Shadow. If she fails to embrace this path, Death will come to claim her due.

      • Literary Fiction

        Fifty-Fifty. Warum and the Conerotic Adventures

        by Ezio Sinigaglia

        Fifí (he who half gives himself and half denies himself), is the name given by the narrator to the young man for whom he has renounced all other relationships. Their union, although exclusive and symbiotic, is a bizarre example of 'unrequited love'. In fact, Fifí prefers different, and above all non-erotic, ways to show his feelings. The variety of love languages thus apparently becomes the novel's main theme. The narrator relentlessly retraces the three years, six months, twelve days of this singular relationship: a season of enchantment, but also of abstinence and waiting, equal only to that endured by Stocky, their mutual friend and brilliant composer, who watches over them and the other six unforgettable characters, all guests at his picturesque villa in Versilia. Part part coming-of-age, part memoir, Fifty-Fifty is an irreverent comedy; its creative language takes us back to the exuberant world of the 1980s, through a carousel of figures and situations that amuse, surprise and move.

      • Fiction
        April 2017

        Los pecados de Victoria

        by Giovanna Zuluaga

        My knees were shaking so I collapsed face down on the rug, feeling its texture and a distant smell of lavender. I moved with his urgent pace, in a perfect and harmonious copulation, until we came almost at the same time. We remained silent, while our breath calmed down, his chest on my back, all his skin adhered to mine. [...] Victoria is not the ideal protagonist of a book, because she is far from being the perfect, virginal and innocent woman who abounds in contemporary stories. She has a love-hate relationship with sex and with men, as well as a vulnerable and masochistic personality. Classified by its author as a "dramatic erotic" book, "Victoria's Sins" is a story based on real events, it is told in first person, intimate, personal, sometimes exciting, because of the stories it narrates, and other times sad, because of the situations that the protagonist must confront in her desperate search for happiness.

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        Doing It the Left Way

        by H. L. Clifford

        A solo, 10-day vacation in southern Italy. What could be better for a newly divorced mother of two? Nothing! Mila couldn't be more excited! With her first trip to Europe and the first time away from her children, she's ready to jump start her new life. Gorgeous Italian scenery, the excitement of experiencing a new country and the promises from a beautiful Italian man. Mila is set... for everything. Hot sunny days turn into steamy nights on the Amalfi Coast and Mila learns how to maneuver through it all. But men and the world... have they changed, or has she?

      • Erotic fiction

        Blond Boy; Red Lipstick

        by Geoff Bunn

        This is a love story, deliberately pitched at a mainstream audience and at a level far removed from the dark and often sordid world of transsexual prostitution on Bois de Boulogne in Paris. The idea is to subtly lead the reader into this setting and give them an insight into the life of a transsexual.  In this first book, we meet the Narrator and Alley – a vivacious young boy with bleach blonde hair and red lipstick. The two begin a gentle romance. Issues such as homophobia are only touched upon, rather than explored fully. By the time readers finish the book, they will know the characters, be interested in them, and they will have some empathy towards and a little more understanding of transsexuals.  Blond Boy; Red Lipstick is the first of two, where the sequel, already planned out, will be a darker story (albeit with a happy ending).

      • Fiction

        Not All Himbos Wear Capes

        by C. Rochelle

        Xander Big City is supposedly the place where dreams come true. As someone just trying to live my life, it’s more like a recurring nightmare where dreams get blocked at every turn. Especially if you’re a supervillain like me. The irony is that I have zero powers, despite coming from purebred villain stock, but try telling that to Big City’s beloved hero, Captain Masculine. This himbo is ruining my research, and if his firepower doesn’t kill me, the sight of him in Lycra surely will. Luckily—or unluckily, my bestie just signed me up for the Bangers dating app and found my perfect match. If this isn’t the start of my villain arc, I don’t know what is.  Butch It’s hard feeling like I have to wear a mask every day—that the only value I bring to the table is the sparkling image created for me. Such is the life of being Captain Masculine, Big City’s greatest superhero. I will gladly defend this city against every threat to its people. Except Doctor Antihero. I’ve seen countless villains come and go, but something about Antihero intrigues me more than the usual hero-villain encounters should. It’s because of him that I impulsively signed up for a dating app, hoping a meaningless fling with a local normie will help get my head back in the game. The truth is, what I really want is someone who sees me—the man behind the mask. This is not your usual superhero book. This is Deadpool and The Boys having a love child.

      • Thriller / suspense


        by Quentin Cope

        Rosalind Escaping an oppressive childhood and an abusive father, the stunningly beautiful Rosalind McKinley leaves the chilly lifeless, economically depressed state of Indiana and travels east. The excitement of the bright lights and the allure of New York’s Manhattan are all the incentive she needs to change the direction of her life. Stripping off the last remnants of her old self, she changes her identity and emerges as Leonora Carrington-Jones. Her new life is complete when a handsome Saudi Arabian Prince lavishes her with attention. He promises her romance in the distant, desert sheikdom of Dubai. Following her heart and ignoring the warnings of her mentor, Madame Durand, she goes with her Sheik into what she visualises will be the accumulation of all her dreams only to find this illusion shattered within days. The new world she imagined is nothing more than a male dominated, corrupt society where women have no worth other than as chattels and sexual objects. Leonora quickly discovers her life is spiralling downwards, finding herself moved from a top suite in a five star hotel to isolation in the degrading, filthy confines of a brothel ruled over by a gross, sadistic North African Madam. With the desperate need to escape from imposed sexual slavery, she meets Susan, a fellow American woman who has the right connections. With new passport for Leonora and airline tickets in hand, they plan a flight back to America and freedom. Leonora’s pulse races as the aircraft door is reopened and police enter to remove her. An inconsolable Susan can simply only watch, helpless as the cruel distressing scene is played out before her. Taken forcibly back to Dubai and a now raging Saudi Prince, Leonora is physically disciplined and with one unthinking, careless, sickening blow it is obvious that the unrestrained violence has gone too far. Susan holds a letter from Leonora in the event that her hopes of escape are dashed; the letter is to be opened and instructions followed. In New York, with the help of Madame Durand, Susan makes a heart breaking discovery about the woman she left behind in Dubai. With a cool head, careful preparation and vengeful determination, she plans to confront the wealthy, diplomatically protected Arab businessman. The ultimate encounter between one frighteningly resolute woman and the influential, sadistic Arab Prince leaves a scene of carnage, as in the final count, only one person can walk away. But will there be more than one survivor … and will one of them be Rosalind’s sister? Set in the world financial depression of the 1970's, this is the sometimes heartbreaking story of two powerfully portrayed characters that will become more and more a part of you with every turn of the page.

      • Romance
        December 2014

        Border of Fire - Border of Ice

        by Sture Stiernlof

        A dramatic, sensual and captivating love and escape story, set in the harsh reality of the Cold War in Europe and topical as never before now that a new cold war threatens to divide the European continent again.     Lena, a young violinist from the Soviet Union, meets Leo, a writer from the West, in East Berlin. And intense and erotic love affair begins, and Leo is gradually drawn into Lena's highly dangerous plan to defect to the West with her brother and two friends across the death strip separating East and West Germany.    The escape fails dramatically, and Leo and Lena seem to have lost each other forever. But later, in Leningrad, Lena develops a new, bold plan: To escape across the desolate wilderness border between Finland and Russia in midwinter.    However, first Lena must work at a kolkhoz on the Kola Peninsula north of the Arctic Circle. It is a godforsaken, cold and dirty place, and she meets hostility, hardship and brutality. The dramatic escape takes place on New Year's Eve. Militia checkpoints, border patrols, wolf packs, Soviet elite forces and brutally cold weather are a constant threat in the dark, empty ice-cold wilderness.    Border of Fire - Border of Ice is the story of a brave, warmhearted woman and her unflinching resolution to overcome all obstacles and find freedom and love. It's an exciting, captivating, feel-good story.

      • Romance

        Lovedex Thrilldex

        A Collection of Love Stories and Thrillers

        by Warren Brown

        A collection of Eighteen short stories. 1.The Death of Reuben: A Vampire, a poisoned man and a psychotic killer. What do the three have in common? 2.The Sound of Rats: A woman with psychic powers and the hunger of rodents. 3.Son of Cyrus: The power of a Cyclop in the present age. 4.The Shape of the Claw: Prowling the city streets for adventure. 5.The Window Cleaner and the Werewolf: Saving a life and finding love. 6.The Stairway in the Mountain: Paranormal Investigators make an amazing discovery while on their quest for the unexplained and the supernatural. 7.The Angel in the Stone: An ancient curse, an angel and a Museum guard. 8.The Luxury Liner to Hades: Captain of the Death Ship taking its passengers to Hades. 9.Wigwams in Hyde Park, London: A Carnival of history in one place and the mystery is revealed. 10.Painting and loving the News: Erotic art of a beautiful News Reader. 11.Adam’s Visions of the Future: The simple Secret to Living the Law of Attraction. 12.Damaged Hearts 13.Love Drug 14.Pieces of Lonely Hearts 15.Igniting Embers of Love 16.Clouds of Despair 17.Shape of Passion 18.Under the Egyptian Moon

      • Erotic fiction


        by Carol Lynne

        When following your dream lands you in Lobster Cove, Maine, anything is possible. After gaining custody of his younger brother, Boone Jensen moves to a unique LGBT community on the coast of Maine. There, he hopes to find work as a stonemason, heal his broken heart and give his brother a safe place to call home. Life was good in New York City for chef Dante Madia, until his business partner betrayed him. Determined to trust only himself, Dante risks everything on a new restaurant venture in a small fishing village built on acceptance. Neither man is looking for love, but in a town like Lobster Cove, secret dreams have the ability to become realities.

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