by Arupa Patangia Kalita
Dawn or Solstice is a compelling and moving story grounded in the rich texture of the society that it describes. The novel centres around the story of a talented, sensitive and intelligent girl who suffers in a society ruled by patriarchy. Set in the heady days of Indian struggle for independence the saga of a woman dreaming equality and a dignified status of woman is sad as well as inspiring. SYNOPSIS The novel picks up an array of characters from different walks of life. These characters are well etched coming out of the pages with life-like clarity. The novel is a status of women in a particular and crucial point of history. The struggle for independence in India ripens and the life of the women described in the novel have become more and more oppressed by patriarchy in different forms. The contrast is clear and gives the novel a special character. None of the women can come out of the cruel patriarchy but the struggle does not stop. More the oppression becomes cruel, more the struggle gains momentum. The novel becomes the voice of a voiceless silent group. Colourful characters, interesting story-line, gripping narrative, historical relevance make the novel worth reading.