EVERNA Crimson Eagle
Fireheart Legacy, Book One
by Andry Chang
Starting out as a carefree fool, Cristophe Deveraux never expected his career as a monster hunter to turn into more than just a livelihood. With his smart-aleck cousin Carolyn as partner, they battled various monsters, solving supernatural quests that were way beyond their academical know-how. Along the course of adventure, Cristophe and Carolyn made friends with some extraordinary people: Robert Chandler, a ranger trying to make peace with his past; Paolo Marvellini, a dwarf priest struggling to protect his family from the conspiracy around him; and many more heroes in the land, all with their unique personalities, abilites (and problems). (Original Language) Ditempa dengan dendam dan duka masa kecilyang mendalam, Robert Chandler tumbuh menjadiprajurit pemberani, lalu pemburu bayaran yang handal.Tanpa beban dan hanya menikmati kebebasan,Cristophe sama sekali tak menyangka segalasepak terjangnya akan membawanya ke pusat prahara.Dipertemukan oleh takdir, keduanya berjuangbersama para pahlawan lainnya, menumpastunas angkara yang kembali merambah Terra Everna.Majulah, Ksatria Cahaya! Penuhi takdirmu!