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      • Fiction

        Feuerblume / Fire Flower

        by Sanna Seven Deers

        The story of a life-changing journey in Western Canada According to everyone around her, Alexandra should be content with her life. She has a good job, a nice group of friends, and understanding parents – what else could one ask for? Still, Alexandra is not happy. She decides to take a break from work and daily life and travels to Western Canada. The close contact with nature, and the mystic and culture of the First Nations people she encounters, finally help Alexandra to find herself. She learns the meaning of life, discovers the beauty of living, falls in love, and ventures a new start eventually...

      • Fiction

        Dunkler Frühling / Dark Spring

        by Unica Zürn

        The last work of the surrealist writer In Dark Spring author Unica Zürn traces the roots of her obsessions: the exotic father she idealized, the „impure“ mother she detested, the masochistic fantasies and onanistic rituals which she said described the „erotic life of a little girl based on my own childhood“. Dark Spring is the story of a young girl’s simultaneous introduction to sexuality and mental illness, revealing a different aspect of the „mad love“ so romanticized by the Surrealists.

      • Fiction

        Born in the R.A.F.

        by John von Düffel

        What happened to the daughters and sons of the members of the „revolutionary“ 1968’s generation? Born in the R.A.F. is a strange confession in the form of a monologue. The protagonist’s parents belong to the 68’s generation, the generation of Baader-Meinhof. The son tells the Chief Federal Prosecutor his story of a great re-education: Raised in the conspiracy of a world-revolution he mutated to a law-and-order-petty bourgeois. Born in the R.A.F. is a sarcastical, ironic, Monty-Python-like play with a serious message: the smallest known unity of terrorism is the family.

      • Fiction

        In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts / In Times of Fading Light

        by Eugen Ruge

        An adaptation of the famous novel for the theatre In 2011-2012, the family saga In Times of Fading Light written by German Book Prize winner Eugen Ruge was leading the bestsellers lists. Only a few know that the novel has its roots in a former theatre play. The German Theater Berlin recognized in Ruge’s narrative style how much the characters are molded by his monologues. Therefore, Eugen Ruge worked again on his family story to adapt the novel into a play for the big stage. The theatrical dramatization opens a new view on the story with higher focus on the conflicts inside the family. The family Umnitzer who was scattered to the four winds during the Second World War meet again at the beginning of the Fifties in the new-built German Democratic Republic. Four generations of the family members look for their own way through life in the GDR and after the fall of Communism.

      • Fiction

        Der Totengräber im Buchsbaum / The Gravedigger in the Boxwood Tree

        by August Schmölzer

        The story of a liberation Everyone of us happens to be, deliberately or not, witness of occurences that he/she disapproves, whithout taking action against it, because they lack the strenght and courage. Later, maybe - the consciousness is raising reproaches, sometimes until the brink of despair. That is what happens to Josef. He is coming back from the town by the see, where his youth and the war had led him, to the mountain town of his childhood. But a look in the eyes of Michael, a young boy who has been shot in front of him, outlasts. Through the continuing dialogues between Josef and Michael, the story of Josef’s life takes shape while he is brooding over expectations, departures, retreats and a new beginning … and it finds, eventually, its fulfillment and happiness when Josef opens his heart to Ragusa, his old flame.

      • Fiction

        Der Walfänger / The Whale Catcher

        by Antje Babendererde

        The conflictual revival of the traditional whale catching is the setting of a captivating relationship between a Makah Indian and an American ecologist. After eighty years of interruption, the Makah Indians are for the first time allowed to catch whales in a traditional way again. In the reservation, the biologist Irina fights beside ecologists against the revival of what they consider a cruel tradition. For the Indians, this is an opportunity of spiritual renewal and of preservation of their identity. In a tense atmosphere of violent protests and murder threats, Irina meets her ex-husband Micah, who is one of the chosen hunters. Meanwhile, in New York, her boyfriend Robert still waits for an answer to his wedding proposal ...

      • Fiction

        Zurück nach Lima. Der Vergiftete Prinz / Back to Lima. The Poisoned Prince

        by Ankalina Dahlem

        Moving testimonies of a love story The world famous, prize winning writer Sternberg, tenant of a stately flat in Lima, died lonely. The owner of the flat is confronted involuntary with the estate of the famous tenant. This estate contains an envelope covered with stamps and postmarks, which obviously never reached its addressee. Surely, the parcel was addressed to an unnamed painter, Sternberg’s lover. As the owner of the flat opens the envelope, she discoversmoving testimonies of a love story. A two-voices collage of texts and pictures, happiness and hope, expectactions and dreams, daily routine, togetherness, failure, withdrawal of both artists into themselves, isolation and nostalgia. A compact web of emotions and reflections, love and understanding, from which one will not free oneself easily.

      • Fiction

        Kinder des Labyrinths / Children of the Labyrinth

        by Thomas Fritz

        The ever-lasting question: is it possible to reconcile technology and empathy, progress and responsibility? A tragic accident or rather a case of murder? After the deadly fall of his nephew Talos the ingenious inventor Daedalus is suspected of murder and has to leave Athens in a rush. He finds refuge at King Minos’ court, but the protection of the Crete ruler has its price: Daedalus looses the decision power over his own inventions. With the building of the Labyrinth, the human tragedy takes its course. Thomas Fritz re-tells Dädalus’ story in a powerful and visionally strong language; the reader finds himself on the dusty streets of Crete, at the simple dwellings of the locals, as an eye-witness of human happiness and tragedy - the lines between fiction and reality are blurring ...

      • Fiction

        Reisende Mutter. Indianische Parabeln / Travelling Mother. First Nations’ Parables

        by David Seven Deers

        Three mystical parables told by a First Nations author Eagle Man and Travelling Mother visit the People of the River; the birds meet at a secret Bird Council in the forest; two First Nations children ride to their future on the back of an enormous grizzly bear … In his three parables, Canadian sculptor and writer David Seven Deers leads us inside the hidden mysticism of his native country. While reality and fiction are merging, an optimistic and joyful perspective on the world reveals itself.

      • Fiction

        Die Lichtung der Luchse / The clearing of the lynxes

        by Sanna Seven Deers

        A mysterious diary - a journey to the past The librarian Marla, after a head injury very sensitive for spiritual phenomenons, meets a mysterious old lady at a horse race in France. When old Mrs Copperwheat dies in her arms, she entrust Marla an old diary to safeguard. As the young woman starts to read, she feels thrilled about the contents which reach back to the Indian holocaust in the 19th century, and decides to follow its traces to Canada. There, in the breathtaking landscape of the Canadian Rockies, her adventure begins. Together with her friends, she slowly discovers the secrets of the diary, that even lead them into mortal danger and meets a handsome Native stranger ...

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