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      • Trusted Partner
        Thriller / suspense
        December 2020

        CO2 - World Without Tomorrow

        by Roth, Tom

        CO2. A WORLD WITH NO TOMORROW is a fast-paced science thriller. For this story, Tom Roth takes movements such as Fridays for Future and the increasingly radical protests for climate change as his inspiration and point of departure. It seems that increasing numbers of people see themselves justified in resorting to radical measures in their efforts to save the planet and the future of humanity (children). And for the first time in history, the movement is emanating primarily from children and young people – whose future is at stake. Twelve children from twelve nations are kidnapped. They’ve been participating in a climate camp in Australia. From now on, one child will die every week unless the international community meets certain demands of the kidnappers for climate protection. As mankind waits with bated breath in anticipation of the first ultimatum expiring, the governments of the countries concerned are fighting over solutions. It soon becomes clear that this race is about much more than the lives of individuals, and that time knows no mercy. A topical issue of our times, highly emotional For readers of Marc Elsberg and Andreas Eschbach English outline and sample translation available

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2017

        Das Winterbuch

        by Jansson, Tove

        Der Winter ist eine besondere Jahreszeit im Norden – eine Zeit, die Schnee, Eis und Kälte, aber auch Naturerlebnisse, Zurückgezogenheit und Muße mit sich bringt. Das WINTERBUCH spiegelt all dies wider und versammelt viele der beliebtesten Erzählungen der finnischen Autorin der MUMIN-Bücher.  Mit feinem Humor und einem guten Maß an Melancholie trägt das WINTERBUCH den Leser durch die dunkle Jahreszeit. Die Erzählungen zeichnen warmherzige Bilder vom Kindsein, vom Erwachsenwerden und von den Mühen und Freuden des Alters. Ein ganz besonderer Erzählband und ein großes Lesevergnügen.

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