The Wisdom of the Poem
“Each poem and a vision, each vision and a truth, a potential realization.” This is a jewel book for Greek Literature; a rare, diachronic, deeply philosophical piece of work with pioneering analyses of poems of Greek poets. Dimitris Kakalidis approaches, with respect and without any critical attitude, each poem; he discovers its sensitivities, its messages and at the same time he reveals its hidden essence. It is a work that opens “new, unprecedented paths in analyzing poems”, as mentioned by people of the letters and arts in Greece. The poet Dimitris Kakalidis, in this analytical work, focuses his interest on the poet and the poetry. He delves into each poem, scrutinizing it, studying it, and analysing it in detail. He de-symbolises and interprets the concepts it encompasses, always coming to the recognition of the one, single Poet of all, the supreme creator and exponent of the Word, also expressed “by the spoken word” of all poets. And the poets, having the gift of uniting with the entity, pulsating to its messages and conceiving the fields of the Word, respond to His current, a current of life, and shape it into verses.