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      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2015

        The seven boxes

        by Dory Sontheimer

        The author of this book was born in Barcelona and raised as a Roman Catholic in Franco’s Spain. Many years later, after the long illness and death of her mother, Dory Sontheimer discovered, in the false ceiling of her mother’s home, seven boxes that were to reveal/uncover an identity and a past both unknown and dramatic. Organizing this emerging legacy, made up of photographs, letters, Passports and other documents, Sontheimer reconstructs the timeline of her family. Over twelve years, moved by a combination of fascination, curiosity and a sense of duty, Dory completes the investigation which takes her to Germany, Israel, the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Austria, UK and the Czech Republic. In this way she followed the traces of one of many families that became victims if the industrialized massacre of Jewish people. Refugees in Barcelona as a prevention and a way of fleeing the advance of Nazism, Dory’s parents started a new life which made them deny their origins and take on a new language, name and trade which were not their own. This disturbing testimony, which combines the value of a documentary with the light and sincerity of the author, dissects some of the more domestic aspects of the drama the victims experienced. The testimony verifies the pain and sense of guilt of the survivors who had to adapt to their situation as exiles or stateless citizens and bury beneath a slab of silence the rumbles and truth about their past. Without any rhetorical showing off, Dory Sontheimer has written a tale, out of the painful treasure she discovered, exposing the forgotten: documenting the life of Jewish refugees in Spain. As a response to the foresight of those who left the testimony in seven boxes, she managed to bring members of her family out of oblivion and to overcome distances imposed by the tragedy: they themselves discovered emotions which the reader shares until the very end.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        The lost letters of Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina

        by Eugenia Tusquets y Marga Iriarte

        The lost letters of Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina mirrors the soul of the protagonists in the homonymous works of Charlotte Brontë and Leon Tolstoy. In this epistolary dialogue, Anna portrays herself escaping from the novel to reveal the secrets of her adulteries and her erratic pursuit of ideal love, while Jane is more agreeable, but never ceases to be critical of the world she lives in. Each line shines with the passionate impressions the two women share about their loves, travels, social and artistic lives... There is, in addition, an ominous murder that Jane will try to solve relying on her wit.   These letters forge a friendship between two friends who will never see each other despite their fervent desire to do so, and reveal what life was like –both in Russian and in English society– at a time of great technical and social transformation. This is an imaginary correspondence that honors the memory of Jane and Anna, representatives of a vanished universe that lives on in modern desires and fears.   The authors, Eugenia Tusquets and Marga Iriarte, have had the wisdom and courage to brilliantly recreate an unconventional epistolary that will fascinate admirers of the two famous novels, Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina. This book plucks every woman labeled eccentric and indecorous from obscurity.       Editorial Funambulista, 2021 288 Pages Format: Paperback ISBN: 9788412237177 Language: Spanish Asunto: Biografías literarias

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2019

        Complete Poetry

        by Ernesto Cardenal

        For the first time, the work of the Nicaraguan poet has been compiled in a single volume. From his initial poetry books (Epigramas, Hora 0, Salmos) to more recent (Versos del Pluriverso, Pasajero de tránsito), in addition to poems not published before and the monumental Cántico cósmico. This book must be the reference edition of one of the most important legacies of Spanish American letters.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        The nurse from Brunete

        by Manuel Maristany

        Brunete, summer 1937. In the assault on the Espolón hill, Javier de Montcada, a young man forced to participate in the civil war due to dramatic family circumstances, falls wounded in the battle of Brunete. The young soldier would have been riddled with bullets if Soledad , Duchess of Simancas, would not have donated her blood to him on the battlefield itself. After recovering from her injury in the military hospital in Salamanca, Soledad, married to the representative of the national side in the Vatican, seduces him in her pasture. Javier confesses his betrayal of his fiancée, Marie-Thérèse de Clermont, the young French woman whose family welcomed him and his mother after a tragic escape through the Pyrenees, in which his little brother was killed by the police. After learning that his father, a soldier who rebelled in Barcelona on July 18, had been shot, he swore revenge and enlisted in the Tercio de Montejurra. When he says goodbye to Soledad to return to the front, nothing makes Javier presage that the war still reserves a unpleasant news.

      • Prose: non-fiction
        May 2019

        La revolución de las flâneuses

        by Anna M Iglesia

        The flâneur has become a cultural icon, but what about flâneuses? This critical study reviews the history of "strolling" women with a contemporary perspective and collects the rights to which they led the way, not yet fully consolidated today.

      • Prose: non-fiction
        June 2020

        W.G. Sebald en el corazón de Europa

        by Cristian Crusat

        Following Sebald's footsteps through his works, in parallel to key episodes in the History of Europe, Cristian Crusat enters the heart of the old continent to find out that we must abandon any idea about a unique, homogeneous and harmonious Europe.

      • Literary studies: from c 1900 -
        November 2002


        by MONTEJO GURRUCHAGA, Lucía; et al.

        En esta obra se reúnen ocho estudios que recorren la historia de la literatura española desde la Edad Media hasta la actualidad, mostrando que una parte importante de nuestro pasado, la que representa a la mitad femenina de la población, debe tener cabida en los manuales, porque también tiene historia. A la crítica sobre el pasado, este libro suma la reflexión de dos escritoras presentes: Rosa Regás y Belén Gopegui. Ambas ponen el contrapunto de la conciencia creadora femenina en una actualidad.

      • Literary studies: general
        February 2018


        by BARANDA LETURIO, Nieves; CRUZ, Anne J.

        Aunque ignoradas en las historias literarias y culturales, durante los siglos XVI y XVII existieron en España decenas de mujeres que buscaron un espacio en el territorio de las letras. Después de más de treinta años de estudios especializados durante los cuales se han exhumado innumerables documentos y se han desarrollado y probado metodologías específicas para entender a las escritoras como mujeres integradas en su tiempo, es posible llegar a producir un libro como este. Esta historia y guía de investigación representa un avance radical en el conocimiento de las escritoras del Siglo de Oro, porque recoge los resultados más relevantes y los utiliza para configurar un panorama en el que la literatura escrita por las mujeres se plantea, por fin, bajo unos perfiles específicos. Se prescinde de la historia de las individualidades para mostrar en qué medida las escritoras dialogaron con su entorno y modularon los temas, los géneros o la retórica para responder a sus necesidades expresivas.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Music against walls in the Arab-Israeli conflict

        by Ana Arambarri

        With an agile, precise and sustained style Música Contra los Muros explores the influence of music on the human being in extreme circumstances. Different choral voices immerse the reader in the geopolitical labyrinth of the Middle East and tell a true and little-known story: that of famous musicians who canceled all their commitments and voluntarily traveled to Israel to encourage their compatriots who were fighting at the front. Against this backdrop, suggestive narrative threads are woven: the passionate romance of the pianist Daniel Barenboim with the cellist Jacqueline du Pré during the Six Day War; the account of Israeli soldiers, whose voices were censored for forty years, forced to participate in a war in which they did not believe; or the torn lives of thousands of Palestinians who, since the occupation, lost the right to a decent and dignified life. Hand in hand with a narrative strategy that recalls the New Journalism that emerged in the sixties, a reconciliation proposal is offered: the case of the West-Eastern Divan orchestra, made up of Arab, Israeli and Palestinian musicians, shows that thanks to music, coexistence is possible. Edward Said, a Palestinian thinker and philosopher, asked himself: Who knows how far we are going to be able to change the thoughts and convictions of these young people thanks to music? The energy of this interrogation continues to challenge the possibilities of the present, while confirming the success of an experience as unusual as it is fascinating.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Nunca sabrás a qué huele Bagdad

        by Marta Tafalla

        Imagina que no tuvieras sentido del olfato. Imagina que jamás te despertara el aroma del café recién hecho, ni el olor a quemado te hiciera salir corriendo de la ducha para rescatar el pan de la tostadora. Imagina que no pudieras percibir la fragancia de un bosque mediterráneo las tardes soleadas de mayo, ni reencontrar a tu amante en la cama vacía. Que nunca te molestara la orina de un gato en tu puerta, ni la peste de basuras y cloacas. Pero que tampoco pudieras detectar el olor de un escape de gas, ni de un incendio.Así es el mundo de las personas que sufren anosmia, ya sea porque han nacido sin sentido del olfato o porque lo han perdido en algún momento de su vida. Así es el mundo de la autora de esta novela, que padece anosmia congénita, y así es el mundo de Helena Higuera, la protagonista de esta historia de ficción.Transcurren los años ochenta en un barrio obrero de Badalona, cuando Helena, en el verano de sus once años, comprende que su nariz la hace diferente a los demás. Emprenderá entonces su viaje particular en busca de ese mundo de olores que es incapaz de percibir, pero su aventura la conducirá al lugar más peligroso que pudiera haber imaginado, y cambiará su vida y la de los suyos para siempre.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2019

        Futurism in Europe and Latin America. Origins and evolution

        by Sandra Teixeira de Faria (editor)

        This work is based on three relevant factors: the first, refers to the analysis of the futurist movement, from the European and Latin American configurations; the second, to the diffusion of knowledge of the richness of aesthetic ways and differential languages achieved in literature and in the arts, since the emergence of Futurism, at the beginning of the 20th century; and, the third, to the relationship between the current panorama of cultural productions and the influences derived from the movements that preceded them, with emphasis on Futurism.

      • Literary studies: plays & playwrights

        Federico García Lorca: Una obra teatral Satírica

        by FERRADA, Susana

        Federico García Lorca: una obra teatral satírica ofrece una lectura inédita de la obra lorquiana que a su vez supone una nueva percepción del poeta al ahondar en una faceta de su controvertida personalidad de la que ninguna otra investigación ha partido para analizar su obra. Este estudio evidencia que lo cómico y lo serio, así como el innegable aspecto crítico, son rasgos satíricos intrínsecos a la obra lorquiana, demostrando que, sin descartar otras modalidades de su praxis dramática, Lorca llevó a cabo su crítica sirviéndose del humor, que oscila entre lo puramente jocoso y el humor negro, y se manifiesta mediante el empleo de técnicas tradicionales de la sátira, con idéntico propósito al del satírico: degradar a su objeto de ataque suscitando sonrisa o repulsa.

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