The Value of Chance
Ágnes Heller About Her Life and Times
by Georg Hauptfeld with Ágnes Heller
Ágnes Heller is probably the most important philosopher of our time. She has experienced all the political systems that still concern us today: the two great totalitarianisms, democracy and, more recently, populist antipluralism.In the course of her life she has moved further and further away from Marxism and finally from all isms. Bright-eyed, open and critical, self-confident and full of courageous determination she is also in her private life.At the beginning of her path was chance: the coincidence of her birth - "the greatest happiness of my life" -, the accidental survival of the Holocaust, the chance meeting with the great philosopher Georg Lukács. These and other coincidences have shaped her life, coincidences gained value through what she made of them. This is how she achieved world fame.