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      • Biography & True Stories
        September 2023 - September 2028

        Under the Skin of the Gecko

        by Raquel Lojendio

        A fascinating incursion into the complex world of Opera Under the Skin of the Gecko is the first novel written by the soprano with a solid international career, Raquel Lojendio. In it she recreates the rehearsals of Mozart's opera Don Giovanni to get under the skin of its three female protagonists: Donna Elvira (Sarah), Donna Anna (Adela) and Zerlina (Olympia). The reader will have access to the ins and outs that happen behind the scenes, will know how these women deal with sexual harassment from their colleagues, non-consensual touching, and doubts about how to behave when faced with the fear of never finding work again. Also, to the authoritarianism of the stage directors and the emotional tension that is inevitably created in this murky and threatening environment. In the world of art, the ego is a central factor and the idea of ​​divine intervention associated with the ego has turned many artists into deified geniuses. What happens behind the scenes when the curtain falls can only be told to us by someone from the inside...   Raquel Lojendio She is a singer, songwriter, writer, illustrator, and dancer. Soprano with a solid international career, she studied singing at the Liceu of Barcelona and the Tenerife Conservatory. She also has a degree in classical dance from the Royal Academy of Dance in London. Her artistic career has been based on her versatility as a singer and artist, addressing recitals, symphonic concerts, opera and zarzuela. She has performed with the main Spanish orchestras and with such prestigious international ensembles as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Boston Symphony, the BBC Philharmonic, the Seattle Symphony, the Turin National Rai Symphony Orchestra, and the National Capitol Orchestra. of Toulouse, among others. Her operatic career has led her to perform in such prestigious theaters as the Teatro Real and Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid, Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville, Teatro Giuseppe Verdi in Trieste, etc. Likewise, she has recorded for prominent record labels such as Deutsche Grammophon, Naxos, RTVE Música, Chandos or IBSClassical.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2020

        Amazonas con pincel

        by Victoria Combalía

        This book proposes a fascinating, clear and didactic journey through the life and work of women artists. Camille Claudel, Frida Kahlo or Dora Maar, among others, occupy the pages of this book illustrating a wide time period and their corresponding styles, from Impressionism to the 1940s of the 20th century.This work constitutes a corrected and enlarged part of Amazonas con brush, a book published in 2006. The texts seek a balance between the historical importance of the creators and the interest in their life, which sheds much light on the difficulties of being a woman and artist at the same time. For this reason, special attention has been paid to their working conditions, their success or neglect of their careers, and those who were able to encourage them or, on the contrary, silence them. They fought, like men, to express their vision of the world and renew artistic language, but in a social context far removed from equal opportunities. This book written by Victoria Combalía was in 2006 the first publication that was published in Spain focused on women artists.

      • True stories

        Life through the mirror

        HIV resilience testimonies

        by Iván Zaro

        The author invites you to discover the testimonies of men and women diagnosed with HIV who faced their own fears and a part of the society that considers them guilty of having acquired the disease. HIV has become an excuse to reject homosexuals, migrants, poor people, drug addicts, in short, the others. We will accompany these people in mourning and in the critical moments to which they are subjected and we will see how thanks to resilience and overcoming they have rebuilt their lives to coexist with a virus that has not only conditioned their health but also their work relationships, personal, sexual and loving ones.

      • Biography: general
        January 2019

        Kubrick en casa

        by Vicente Molina Foix

        A call from Carlos Saura put Stanley Kubrick in contact with Vicente Molina Foix, who, over twenty years of a relationship that only ended with the death of the director, translated into Spanish the dialogues of five of his films. This book is a chronicle of that work and of the sporadic but often juicy dealing with the filmmaker himself - in which an atypical interview that Molina Foix did at his home in the 80s, and which is included as an appendix – Above is about a portrait of him as an infinitely curious creator, maniacal in the demand for quality, who became the most famous and powerful figure in American cinema while still being a meticulous and artisan artist. A first-hand testimony of Stanley Kubrick's work ethic by the Spanish translator of five of his films.

      • Biography & True Stories
        January 2018

        Putting the body

        by Bibiana Ricciardi

        Putting the body. Bibiana Ricciardi Cancer is still incurable in many cases. But I belong to the group of those benefited by the progress of science. A couple of months of radiation therapy, a few years of Tamoxifen, regular check-ups, and something else. Or, rather, to bear the collateral damage of hormonal medication. But I am alive, and I have my tits. What changed between me and those mutilated? Clinical research”, Bibiana Ricciardi writes in this book, which is, at the same time, a personal story - the author - and a collective one: about human beings who enter into scientific research protocols in which the test drugs that afterwards will be developed and will arrive at the pharmacies, from an analgesic to a cancer treatment. Through testimonials from patients, laboratory leaders, public officials, researchers, and doctors, Ricciardi delves into the world of the pharmaceutical industry and asks herself an awkward question: Is cruel the only way science found to test the efficacy of new drugs and procedures? Do people who put their bodies to it do so out of altruism, out of desperation, because it is the only way they have to access a cure that would otherwise be unattainable? Do they all have sufficient information to assess the risks to which they are exposed? Putting the body is the diary of a disease, a chronicle, a journalistic investigation and an excavation as delicate as it is deep in a minefield.

      • Biography: historical, political & military
        March 2020

        Mujeres de novela

        Quince vidas extraordinarias del siglo XX

        by Echavarren Roselló, Sonsoles

        ¿Crees que tu madre, tu abuela o tu vecina no podrían protagonizar una novela? Pues estás equivocado. A nuestro alrededor hay muchas mujeres extraordinarias que, aunque no hayan ganado un Premio Nobel de Medicina, como Marie Curie, ni escrito un diccionario mientras criaban a sus hijos, como María Moliner, son igualmente excepcionales. Haz la prueba. Observa a tu familia, a las de tus amigos, a esa camarera que te atiende detrás de la barra de un bar o a la mujer, fuerte y decidida que ha cuidado de tus hijos o de tus padres, para que tú puedas seguir tu camino profesional en el hospital, el colegio, la oficina o la fábrica. Tienes entre manos un libro muy especial, casi tanto como estas quince vidas que son un tratado de historia contemporánea. Y que nos muestran cómo ha sido la otra historia, no la de las guerras y los tratados, sino la del día a día, los amores, los hijos, las enfermedades y las muertes. Por estas páginas transitan modistas que cosieron para la burguesía en la España de la posguerra, emigran-tes intrépidas que no dudaron en subirse a un barco o un avión para encontrar el amor en Londres o en Melbourne (Australia) o alemanas que transitaron por la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desafiaron a los soldados de la RDA en esas fron-teras de alambradas. A todas las conozco. Algunas forman parte de mi familia de mi vida, que viene a ser lo mismo. A otras no tuve la fortuna de conocerlas porque ya murieron. Pero sus hijos o nietos se han prestado a compartir su historia conmigo. ¿Aún sigues creyendo que tu madre, tu abuela o tu vecina no merecerían protagonizar una historia de novela de las de antes?

      • Biography & True Stories

        When the World Turns in Love

        Profile of Viktor Frankl

        by Rafael de los Ríos

        When the World Turns in Love. Profile of Viktor Frankl (16th ed.) This portrait of Viktor Frankl offers a perspective of his life and his approaches, which are still current. It is aimed at a wide audience, and is written as a film script, which captivates the reader's attention. The action, the dialogues and the simple facts that make the ideas predominate. Viktor Frankl (Vienna, 1905-1997), a world-renowned psychiatrist, created a psychology open to transcendence that today has many followers on five continents. His healing method, called logotherapy, has given meaning to many lives, and every day interest grows in the practical applications of his ideas.

      • Biography & True Stories

        The passion to be a woman

        by Eugenia Tusquets y Susana Frouchtmann

        A bel canto diva who chose to devote herself to loving happiness; a philosopher who influenced 20th century thinking; a First Lady who transcended the stereotype and became a social reference; a nun who decided to realise her dream of getting closer to God without worldly interference. Diverse individual examples for the same underlying reality: women who became aware of their own being and acted taking advantage of their abilities, often clashing against the inertia of a world marked by the male stamp. This book brings together a dozen female testimonies with a common link: the will to excel and the ambition to exist to the full. Maria Callas, Hannah Arendt, Eleanor Roosevelt and Teresa de Ávila share pages with Virginia Woolf, Remedios Varo, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Anaïs Nin and Mercè Rodoreda, among others. Eugenia Tusquets recreates that facet of their lives that has transformed them into a character worthy of attention, that revealing episode that has remained hidden behind the cloud of their fame and the sometimes ambiguous narration of their existence. Susana Frouchtmann delimits the context in which this private transformation takes place, in the form of a journalistic-biographical chronicle that completes each profile and makes comprehensible the true scope of what would otherwise appear to be a mere anecdotal account. At some point, they all had to decide whether to follow the path set by the society of their time or the one imposed on them by their inner selves. The rest belongs to history.

      • Biography & True Stories
        April 2007

        Life of Rainer Maria Rilke

        Beauty and dread

        by Antonio Pau

        Rilke's life, tenaciously dedicated to the culmination of a poetic work, ran through the tops of beauty and the chasms of dread. What remained behind it are several thousand poems that place its author at the head of twentieth-century writers. Life and work are exposed in this book by Antonio Pau as they passed: in an inseparable unity, in a constant reciprocal reflection.

      • Biography & True Stories


        Chronicle of a Passion

        by Marcos Pereda

        In 1983, Spanish cycling was in a deep coma.  With the increasingly noticeable absence of Hispanic cyclists on the Tour roads, one of the sport’s richest traditions had been shattered. It was then that the figure of Pedro Delgado appeared like a lightning bolt.This is the story of a different cyclist, of a one-ina-lifetime, charismatic, imperfect and brilliant figure. It is the biographical sketch of a moment in the history of Spain, in which so many people were seduced by an athlete with an easy smile and charismatic gesture. This is the legend of Perico Delgado.

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