Zwischen Roosevelt und Hitler.
Die Geheimgespräche eines amerikanischen Diplomaten in Budapest 1934-1941. Eingeleitet von Tibor Frank. Aus dem Englischen von Claus Michael Hutterer.
by Einführung von Frank, Tibor; Herausgegeben von Frank, Tibor; Übersetzt von Hutterer, Claus Michael
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Duncker & Humblot
Duncker & Humblot was established in 1798 and is one of Germany's leading academic publishing houses, focussing on high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science.
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- Publisher Duncker & Humblot GmbH
- Publication Date May 2009
- ISBN/Identifier 9783428120871
- FormatPaperback
- Publish StatusPublished
- Edition1
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