WHO WE ARE: Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities of Ukraine
by Bogdan Logvynenko (idea), Daria Titarova (editor)
Who are we? This is the question that the Ukraїner team has been working on every day for over five years. We tell stories from different parts of Ukraine, and in this way we seek the answer. This book has grown out of a great desire to explore and tell about the people in Ukraine. First of all, it is about the indigenous peoples here, because since July 2021, in addition to Ukrainians, this list has officially included the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. And also it is about a whole range of national minorities whose representatives appeared on our lands for one reason or another. After all, the history of each people living in the territory of Ukraine is a part of our common history, as ancient and rooted as the formation of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea and nearby steppe of Prychornomoria, or as fresh as the newly Indian student community in Zakarpattia. With the story of the latter, in 2017 Ukraїner began a series of more than 30 multimedia stories about national minorities of Ukraine, fragments of which became the basis for this book. Most stories are accompanied by QR codes with links, which you can follow to watch the stories. We also set out to tell about the diversity of cultures and thereby answer the question: what are we? The deeper we researched the traditional holidays, cuisine, and symbols of each separate people, the more we found in common.
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Rights Information
Rights manager Bohdan Horbai, bodanko@gmail.com, +38(067)4370708
Contact of the Ukrainian Book Institute: ubi@ubi.org.ua
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Ukraїner Publishing
- Publication Date 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9786176425939
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages676
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleКИМ МИ Є? Національні спільноти та та корінні народи України
- Original Language AuthorsАвтор ідеї: Богдан Логвиненко, Упорядниця: Дарія Тітарова