What Will Give Us Strength
by Tetiana Teren (compiler)
What gives us strength? To us as individuals, to our families, to the country, to the world? Each of us has his own source of inspiration. But what to do if it does not always work? Then we are looking for the strength in others, for their advice and support, for their way of keeping strong in challenging times. In 2019-2020, Ukrainians needed additional sources of strength, because war, uncertainty, political populism, and pandemic created additional stress. During those years twenty-five leading Ukrainian intellectuals reflected on their sources of their resilience in the publication "What will give us strength?". Collected under one cover, twenty five essays discuss a difficult period of challenges in the life of each author individually as well as Ukraine in general. The answers offered by the authors will become a valuable guide for the reader, a model of motivation, an advice to hold on to.
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Rights manager Rina Isaieva, centerjudaica@gmail.com
Contact of the Ukrainian Book Institute: ubi@ubi.org.ua
Author Biography
Tetiana Teren - journalist, curator of literary projects and programs. Vice President of PEN Ukraine. 2018 — co-author of the book "Simple Things. Eight conversations with Ada Rogovtseva" ("Pabulum" Publishing House). 2015, 2017 — author of the series of books of interviews with Ukrainian writers "RECvisits. The Anthology of Writers’ Voices" ("Old Lion" Publishing House). 2014 — complier of the book "Chronicles of Eyewitness: Nine Months of Ukrainian Resistance" ") ("Komora" Publishing House).
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dukh i Litera
- Publication Date 2020
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9789663788180
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages208
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleЩо дасть нам силу?
- Original Language AuthorsТерен Тетяна