What is happening to me?
by Carme Morera; Tona Català
“I’m Carmen. I was born on the 9th of the 9th in the year 99with 9 toes. From the very first moment my father and mother sensed that I would be different”. This is the beginning of this funny book that includes the experiences of Carmen Morera, a teenager girl with intellectual disability, written by her mother, Tona Català. Throughout 90 pages, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME we can discover what life is like for Carmen told with large doses of humor, but also tenderness. Finding out the funniest anecdotes, but at the same time real selfimprovement lessons without losing the wit and the unceremonious, innocent look in front of all kinds of events.
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Spanish independent publishing house with seven collections: Literature, Poetry, Panorama (essay), Canya de pescar (children literature), El Mornell (youth literature), Miscel·lània (cooking, etc.), Business books.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher ALTRIAM MEDIA & Events s.l. (Vincle Editorial)
- Orginal LanguageCatalan
- ISBN/Identifier 9788460871170
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 14 EUR
- Pages86
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleA mi, què em passa?
- Original Language AuthorsCATALAN
- Copyright Year2016
- Dimensions140x210 mm
- IllustrationCristina Durán
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