Value of Rightful Communication in Cancer

by Ahmet Erözenci


This book focuses on the value of rightful communication between the patient, the physician and the family members in cancer. Dealing with character changes in the cancer patient, denial of the diagnosis, accepting the diagnosis, sharing the feelings between the patient and the family, how one can overcome the fear of cancer, how one can become an exceptional patient, how to deal with anger, the correct wording when talking to a cancer patient, what the physician and the family members can do to motivate the patient towards life and finally what the patient can do for himself is discussed in detail in each chapter. Synopsis or description of scenes from well-known movies as well as anecdotes from the author’s (who is a professor of urooncology, four time cancer survivor –Hodgkin’s lymphoma, colon, thyroid and prostate cancers- and who has lost two members of his family to cancer and who is a cancer coach) own experiences are used in every chapter to clarify certain points


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Author Biography

Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmet Erözenci was
born in 1956. After graduating from
Grosse Pointe North High School
in Detroit Michigan, he has studied
medicine and is now a professor of
urooncology. He is also a novelist and
has published nine novels. He writes
about concepts; the his three books
focused on loneliness (later printed
as loneliness triology). The plots of his
other books are the story of a man
who never can be himself and lives
his life through other people’s stories;
place of memories in one’s life; death;
and passion and love. He also has a
number of short stories published
in various magazines. He has also
served as secretary in charge of
International Relations on the Board
of Turkish PEN for two terms.
Between 2013-2015 he has created
and hosted literary and conceptual
talk shows at an internet radio which,
as 2020 will only focus on literature.
He has also founded and has served
as the editor of a literary/cultural
magazine Novate between 2003-2007.



ONK Agency was established in 1959 by Osman N. Karaca. With the exception of a few representatives that already dealt with copyrights regarding photography, feature articles and comic strips, ONK became the first and largest literary and dramatic agency in Turkey over the years. Book Rights Onk Agency represents over one hundred foreign publishers and agencies, most of them exclusively. Play Rights ONK Agency is the only copyright agency handling theatre play rights in Turkey. ONK represents many Turkish as well as hundreds of foreign playwrights through their agencies from all over the world. Other Rights ONK Agency is also handling the movie and television rights of all works of its clients exclusively. ONK is also acting as theauthorized representative of a number of musical works composed for stage.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleBir Türk Filmi Olarak Kanser

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