Turmali and The Light Savers. Tang Jing-Wei Adventures in Turmali Vol. 1
Tang Jing-Wei Adventure in Turmali Vol. 1
by Sarah Chambers
Tang Jing-Wei know as Jing-Wei to her friends lives in Guillin in the Guangxi Province of Southern China. Jing-Wei is an excellent gymnast and has a strange encounter in a competition. A Tourmaline gemstone that Jing-Wei won in a competition turns out to have magic powers and leads her to the mystical world of Turmali. Jing-Wei discover this world has been invaded by aliens who hate light of any kind. They have stolen away the Tourmaline gems that power the Rainbow Bridges connecting the seven lands. The bridges have disappeared leaving the lands isolated and dark. Jing-Wei decides to help the peope of Turmali to try and repel the invading aliens and rstore the Rainbow bridges. Jing0Wei meets many intriguing and mysterious characters along the way as she learns she is only one of the 13 Light Saver characters.
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Turmali Publishing Limited / Turmali and The Light Savers
- Publication Date January 2022
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781786110329 / 1786110329
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatPaperback
- Pages233
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleEnglish
- Original Language AuthorsEnglish
- EditionFirst
- Copyright Year2022
- Page sizeA5 (210 x 150) mm
- Illustration45 full page full colour illustrations
- SeriesTurmali and The Light Savers
- Series Part12