Time Commander
by William J. Benning
The third installment in the exciting First Admiral Series, Time Commander follows the continuing adventures of Billy Caudwell; the teenage First Admiral of the Universal Alliance Fleet as he strives to prevent a long, protracted and bloody war with the Ganthorans. Having defeated a Ganthoran Frontier Fleet General in battle, Billy Caudwell must undertake the dangerous 'Time Warrior Ritual'. In the ritual, Billy has to re-fight (and win) a major battle, that in the history of his species was lost - and in which the losing Commander was killed. To prevent years, possibly decades, of costly warfare, Billy must complete the ritual and claim the Crystal Throne of Ganthus. If Billy completes the challenge, he will become the Emperor of the Ganthorans. If he fails, he will die on a historical battlefield from Earth's past. Sinister powerful and xenophobic forces among the Ganthoran aristocracy and military are ranged against Billy, determined to prevent an alien claiming the Crystal Throne. Can Billy survive the challenge and avert a brutal and costly war?
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Author Biography
William J. Benning lives in the beautiful countryside of south-west Scotland. He is a graduate of Strathclyde University (Glasgow) where he studied Psychology and has pursued a career in Human Resources/Learning & Development having previously worked for the (British) Red Cross for many years. William likes his sci-fi, but is also keen on military history and speculative fiction. Among his fiction favorites are Harry Turtledove, the late George MacDonald Fraser, Bernard Cornwell and Clive Cussler. In the real world, William is a doglover who collects Edinburgh Crystal and has a terrible weakness for malt whisky. He published his novel First Admiral with MQuills in 2012
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Malachite Quills / Clockwork Quills
- Publication Date May 2013
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781623750503 / 1623750504
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 8.99 USD
- Pages238
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Edition1
- Dimensions229x152 mm
- SeriesFirst Admiral
- Series Part3
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