Football, friends, and film are the most important parts of Simon Murray's life, likely in that order. Despite being lonely, Simon is cautious about looking for more, and his best friends despair of him ever finding that special someone to share his life. Against his will, they drag him to a party, where Simon barges into a football conversation and ends up defending the honour of star forward Declan Tyler -- unaware that the athlete is present and listening.Like his entire family, Simon revels in living in Melbourne, Victoria, the home of Australian Rules football and mecca for serious fans. There, players are deemed gods and treated as such – until they do something to cause them to fall out of public favour. Declan is suffering a horrendous year of injuries, and the public is taking him to task for it, so Simon's support is a bright spot in his struggles. In that first awkward meeting, neither man has any idea they will change each other's lives forever.As Simon and Declan fumble toward building a relationship together, there is yet another obstacle in their way: keeping Declan's homosexuality a secret amidst the intrusion of well-meaning friends and an increasingly suspicious media. They realise that nothing remains hidden forever… and they know the situation will only become more complicated when Declan's private life is revealed. Declan will be forced to make some tough choices that may result in losing either the career he loves or the man he wants. And Simon has never been known to make things easy – for himself or for others. ;
More Information
...Tigers and Devils is a story about unexpected love, the trials of fame, and the importance of the truth. I’ll be seeking out more of Sean Kennedy’s work in the future. Read the full review. -
...Tigers and Devils is a story about unexpected love, the trials of fame, and the importance of the truth. I’ll be seeking out more of Sean Kennedy’s work in the future. Read the full review. -
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dreamspinner Press
- Publication Date March 2009
- Orginal Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 9781935192466
- Primary Price 6.99 USD
- ReadershipGeneral/trade
- Publish StatusOut-Of-Copyright
- SeriesTigers and Devils
- Reference Codecom.dreamspinnerpress.onix.978-1-935192-46-6
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