Three Hundred Years of Wars During the Southern and Northern Dynasties
Military and Politics in China, 4th to 6th Century
by LI Shuo
Usually our imaginations about ancient warfare are based on novels, tales or other forms of literature, but most of the battle scenes from these literary works are merely fictional. They are not historically true. In Three Hundred Years of Wars During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, by collecting and analyzing various sorts of historical materials, seeking clues from the descriptions of warfare scattered in many historical documents, and relying on the newest research findings from recent studies, the author draws detailed and vivid pictures for many major battles during the Wei-Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties. At the same time, this books reveals many details about the campaign modes and the evolution of the tactics for cavalry and infantry at that period of time, also includes discussions about the influences of geography, climate and finances on warfare. Hence, this book fulfills what was lack in the official historical documents and ancient canons. It also offers a new military perspective to look at the history of the Wei-Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties.
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Author Biography
LI Shuo (李硕), born in Baoding in Hebei Province. He graduated as a Chinese major from Peking University, has had a master degree and a PhD degree in history at Tsinghua University. Now he is working at the Center for Studies of Ethnic Minorities in Northwest China of Xinjiang University. His research interests are mid-ancient military history, historical geography, and ethnic groups in border regions. He has authored many books and articles include Iron Cavalry, Multi-Board Warships and Northern Soldiers and From Oasis to the Jade Valley: Illustrated Chronicles about the Exploration of South Xinjiang.
Horizon Media
Horizon Books was founded in June 2002 and now has grown up to a dynamic, leading publisher in China, dedicated in publishing distinguished fiction and high-quality nonfiction, including biography, history, art, film, education and academic classics.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Horizon Media
- Publication Date February 2018
- Orginal LanguageChinese simplified
- ISBN/Identifier 9787208148314
- Publication Country or regionChina
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 59 CNY
- Pages456
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language Title南北战争三百年
- Original Language Authors李硕
- Copyright Year2018