Historical fiction
by Michael Dean
THORN is a Rabelaisian tour through Amsterdam in the mid-17th Century and very, very funny. In 1656, at the height of The Dutch Golden Age, two giants of European culture meet: philosopher Baruch Spinoza, a Jew of Portuguese descent, and Rembrandt Von Rijn, the greatest Dutch Master, find themselves inextricably linked through a failed mercantile venture and membership of the freethinking ‘Waterlanders’ which, in challenging the Calvinist doctrine of the day, pits them against the authorities in Amsterdam. Rembrandt can’t keep himself out of the auction houses, despite the best efforts of his new friend; while the chief Rabbi has Spinoza followed and spied upon. Spinoza is thrown out of the Synagogue for his heretical writings and Rembrandt bankrupted for his less than flattering paintings of the city fathers.
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Bluemoose Books / Bluemoose
- Publication Date May 2011
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780956687647
- Publication Country or regionGB
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 7.99 GBP
- Pages320
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Responsibilityby Michael Dean
- Page size128x198mm
- Biblio NotesPublished 01/05/2011
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