Science fiction (Children's/YA)
The first book of a trilogy. Twelve-year old Mickie, a miserable, abused child, discovers that he is not human, but his origins are a mystery. he is able to join a ,assive spaceship that travels the Universe, trading with numerous other intelligent species as he seeks his origins. Bu the ancient enemy that destroyed his people a million years ago learns of Mickie's appearance and also wants to find the vanished species to complete the destruction. Mickie has to call on the help of allies, some beautiful, some powerful, some terrifying, as a million-year old war starts up again.
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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint The Mickie Dalton Foundation
- Publication Date June 2008
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780981808703
- Publication Country or regionAustralia
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 25
- Pages301
- ReadershipYoung Adult
- Publish StatusSelf-Published
- ResponsibilityMichael Davies
- Editionsecond
- Page sizeA5
- IllustrationNo
- SeriesThree books
- Series Part1
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