Immerse yourself in a journey into the historical past of the most sought-after relic of the Western Middle Ages. In your hands you have the path that will reveal one of the great mysteries of humanity. Questions like: Why this cup and not another? Where did Jesus celebrate his last Passover? Who sent it to Hispania? How did Chrétien de Troyes write his novel "graal" inspired by the court of Aragon? What is and what does the Holy Grail mean? These questions and many more are explained and documented one by one. The search for the Holy Grail comes to an end in this book. The key to Knowledge is in your hand. The interior will surprise you by discovering completely new information that will not leave you indifferent.
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Author Biography
Doctor in Art History, she is also a Technician in Tourism Companies and Activities (TEAT), Master in Environmental Tourism Management: Ecotourism, she has a Degree in Art History and a Master in Art History and Visual Culture. His doctorate has been supported by the Losan Optical Center through the #Verysentirlacultura program (2015 - 2019). Since 1999 he has been a speaker at international conferences. He has written more than twenty articles in English and Spanish, as well as several book chapters. He chairs the International Scientific Commission for Holy Grail Studies. And she is vice-president of the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Graial.
Grupo Editorial Sargantana is a young company (5 years old) that has three imprints, Editorial Sargantana wich publish Fiction books, Child books, Cooking books and biographies.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Editorial Sargantana
- Publication Date February 2020
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788417731397
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 20 EUR
- Pages396
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleEl Santo Grial
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- Copyright Year2020
- Dimensions24x17 cm
- IllustrationColour pictures
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