The Feelings Artbook
by Ruby Radburn
48 activities that explore emotional issues through drawing. For many children, drawing is a more pleasurable activity than writing. These activities and worksheets use drawing as the basis for exploring emotional issues and promoting children's emotional literacy. The book is intended for anyone who spends time with children, including teachers, learning mentors, therapists and parents. It is organised in three sections:
- Self-esteem - The activities in this section promote a positive sense of self by helping children to identify their strengths and preferences, their achievements and aspirations, the people and things they value. Many of the activities creatively explore a sense of personal power, something that children of this age have little opportunity to do. Understanding this concept helps them to take responsibility for their emotions and actions.
- Emotions - In this section children identify and define a wide range of feelings, expanding their emotional vocabulary beyond the basic 'happy', 'sad' or 'angry'. More complex feelings such as jealousy, pride and embarrassment are examined, and children are encouraged to define these feelings in both words and drawings, and through personal experience. When children understand what causes strong emotional reactions, they are better able to manage their feelings in an appropriate way.
- Empathy - These activities encourage children to consider other people's feelings and preferences, and to think from different perspectives. Some offer specific viewpoints to focus on such as an old lady, a baby or an alien. Others promote empathetic skills such as listening.
For each activity the instructions include a clearly stated aim, a suggested outline of how to conduct the activity and two optional follow-on ideas. Flexibility is central to the design: the activities can stand alone or be incorporated into an emotional literacy programme. The finished drawings can be displayed or kept by children as a visual reminder of their learning.

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Author Biography
Ruby Radburn developed the ideas for The Feelings Artbook while working in a primary school. After graduating with a degree in Media and Communications form Goldsmiths College, she taught in London schools, working with both adults and children. When working as a Primary Learning Mentor, supporting children who needed help in overcoming barriers to learning, Ruby created her own resources to meet the demands of the role. The Feelings Artbook is the result of this experience.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Speechmark Publishing Limited / Speechmark Publishing
- Publication Date March 2008
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780863886744
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatSpiral Bound
- Primary Price 36.99 GBP
- Pages104
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
- Dimensions297 x 210 mm
- Biblio NotesCopyright year: 2008
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