Pro baseball player Devin Carter is set to break a home run record until a knee injury puts him on the bench. With nothing to do but wait for recovery, Devin impulsively treats himself and his dog to a vacation in the Florida Keys. He checks in at a family-run hotel called The Blue Paradise—and that’s where things get interesting.Sparks fly when Devin meets Jim Dellwood, the resort owner's grandson, on the beach. Though Devin’s time in Islamorada is limited—and he's still in the closet to his teammates and the media—they decide to give the budding relationship a shot. Once he returns to Sarasota, Devin and Jim find ways to make their long-distance love affair work, but the team’s new outfielder has other plans for Devin. Can Devin make his way back to The Blue Paradise—and Jim? ;
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dreamspinner Press
- Publication Date June 2012
- Orginal Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 9781613725566
- Primary Price 4.99 USD
- Pages160
- ReadershipGeneral/trade
- Publish StatusOut-Of-Copyright
- Reference Codecom.dreamspinnerpress.onix.978-1-61372-556-6
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