Bible studies: for individual or small group study

Temple of Time

Genealogy, chronology and numerology Bible Creation to the dedication of Solomon's Temple

by Dr. Gabriel Zeldin


Dr. Zeldin's groundbreaking research in the Torah is considered as required reading for anyone seeking a thorough understanding of this major piece of the human culture. In his first book: Bereshit Haderech – The Biblical Festivals of the Seventh Month, and based upon a new system of biblical language analysis, Dr. Zeldin succeeded in revealing and demonstrating that the fascinating earlier stage of the Biblical Festivals of the Seventh Month is imbedded in the Book of Genesis, going back to the era of the Hebrew Fathers. By doing so, Dr. Zeldin revives long forgotten stories that influence the Bible entirely, namely: The Opening Day of the Hebrew Cycle of Time and Life; the Day of Jacob's Vow and the consequences thereof; Josef as a representative of The Assif Festival and his son Menashe as a representative of the Feast of Atzereth. Disappointed at the skepticism and indifference with which his above book was received, Dr. Zeldin concluded that only by introducing a mathematical proof he can break the routine of thinking when interpreting and researching biblical studies, and thereby corroborates and validates his conclusions. As topics for his next research were chosen three recurring age data in the dynasty of central leaders in the Torah: the number of years of age till fatherhood; the years after birth of the successor and the entire life span of the father - his age at death. These data, of which logic has not been deciphered until now, are scattered in many sections of the Torah, in such manner that their numerical integrity, is tightly interwoven in the narrative range that was identified in the book Bereshit Haderch, and thus establish its correct interpretation. Indeed, in his second book: Temple of Time – biblical genealogy, chronology and numerology since the period of creation up until the dedication of Solomon's Temple, Dr. Zeldin brings mathematical proof to the integrity of the structure of the age data in the Torah and goes on to resolve, with the same method of thinking, two additional ancient questions for the study of the Torah: Logic of the dates of the Flood, and the duplicity of the data given in the Torah on the exile duration of the Children of Israel in in Egypt. Dr. Zeldin is now writing his third book of this series, which elaborates on and corroborates his unique interpretation and provides in it, among others, valid solutions of mathematical certainty in regards to contributions to the Temple of Congregation, and the total number of the Children of Israel on all their tribes, upon their Exodus from Egypt.

Temple of Time

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Rubin Mass
  • Publication Date June 2015
  • Orginal LanguageHebrew
  • ISBN/Identifier 9789650903299
  • Publication Country or regionIsrael
  • Primary Price 40 USD
  • Pages300
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Dimensions17 cm / 24 cm cm
  • Illustrationnone

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