Silent Striker
by Pete Kalu
A novel about friendship and family, The Silent Striker explores the issue of disability, and deafness, and the different ways in which we can choose to handle it.
Marcus is a footballing genius who keeps getting into deep trouble at his school. He is the best player by far at Ducie High, in a tough, ethnically diverse, inner-city area. He's actually so good that there's a very real chance he'll be signed by Manchester United.
But when he discovers he may be losing his hearing, his whole world falls to pieces and he finds himself having to put them back together on his own. But is this feeling of isolation real or just a consequence of his own behaviour?
Dealing with deafness, shifting friends, crazy parents and a ‘special measures’ school, he will have to gather all the strength he can find – in others as well as within himself. Marcus gradually understands that accepting the help of others is ultimately an acceptance of self.
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World rights available.
‘This is a book full to the brim with joy, heartache and passion for the beautiful game.’ - Melvin Burgess
‘A richly compelling, emotionally resonant tale of courage.’ - Melanie Amri
‘Football fans will very much enjoy this novel. Games and tactics are here in abundance. There is a whole lot more as well. The Silent Striker deserves a wide audience.’ - School Library Association
Author Biography
PETER KALU is a novelist, poet and playwright. He has won the BBC Playwrights Award, Voice/Jamaica Information Service Marcus Garvey Scholarship Award and the BBC’s Dangerous Comedy Prize.
Other books by Pete Kalu: YA fiction: Zombie Xl and Being Me . Adult fiction: Lick Shot , Little Jack Horner , Professor X , Yard Dogs and Black Star Rising . Pete Kalu lives in Manchester, UK.
Sharp Rights Publishing Consultancy
Founded under lockdown in 2020, Sharp Rights publishing consultancy handles rights for independent publishers, agencies and authors, including The bks Agency, HopeRoad Publishing, Fledgling Press, FROM YOU TO ME, Little Island and Fine Feather Press. Founder Andrew Sharp is the former group rights director at Hachette Children's Group in London. He was The Bookseller Rights Professional of the Year in 2019. Our main focus is selling translation and English language rights for children's books. We also handle general trade titles. We are seeking publisher clients who require representation. We are interested to hear from publishers of adult fiction and non-fiction, children's non-fiction and picture books. We are particularly keen to hear from publishers whose lists focus on under-represented communities.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher HopeRoad Publishing
- Publication Date September 2018
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781908446695
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 7.99 GBP
- Pages208
- ReadershipTeenage/Young Adult
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2015
- Page sizeB Format
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