Ruby Fairygale - Der verbotene Zauber (Band 5)
by Kira Gembri
Ruby Fairygale – The Forbidden Spell (Vol. 5)
An exciting feel-good fantasy – come and enter Ruby's world!
Ruby Fairygale lives with her grandma on a small stormy island near the coast of Ireland, where they look after animals. But they have a big secret: they know about the magical mythical creatures on the island and they help them whenever they are ill.
What happens in Volume 5:
Since Noah has been away at boarding school in California, Ruby misses him a lot. Patch Island just isn't the same without him. When Noah doesn't check in for a long time, Ruby is concerned that something has happened to him. The fairy Felicity helps her to use a secret spell to create portals to places outside Ireland. But the forbidden spell goes wrong and when they finally get to California, Noah no longer remembers who Ruby is. The night elf Nocturno put a spell on Noah to make him forget everything magical, because he wants to strictly separate the fairy and human worlds.
Ruby tries to free Noah from the spell, but Nocturno attacks her. They are saved by the High Council, and it is decided that the portals will be sealed and Noah, who regains his memories, is allowed to return to Patch Island.
• Trend location Ireland & fairies
• Feel-good fantasy for kids
• Strong female protagonist
• Bestselling series, selected for "Shoot the Book" at Cannes Film Festival 2021
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Bibliographic Information
- Publication Date June 2022
- ISBN/Identifier 9783743209534
- Pages336
- Publish StatusPublished
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