Science & technology: general interest (Children's/YA)


by Rose Johnson


Eureka! We have it and so can you--a discovery-packed book that makes the world of physics understandable, engaging, and fun! And that's a very good thing, because physics is all around us, responsible for everything from why balls bounce to why the stars in the sky shine--so we might as well understand and enjoy it. Chock-full of photos and diagrams, this book and its useful images further explain and expand upon the clear and informative text. (Oh, and as for who reportedly shouted "Eureka!" while sitting in his wooden bathtub, see page 7 of this engaging volume.)

Our understanding of the world has been built up by observation, deduction and experimentation carried out over thousands of years. This series looks at the discoveries that have changed the way people think about science. It shows how scientists build on the work of earlier thinkers and how a breakthrough can spark a chain of scientific discovery. The books will inspire and inform budding scientists.

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Brown Bear Books

Brown Bear Books

Brown Bear Books publish and package high-quality, illustrated children’s books for trade and school libraries. They also own Windmill Books, who publish educational material.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher/Imprint The Rosen Publishing Group / Rosen
  • Publication Date January 2016
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9781477786031
  • Publication Country or regionUnited States
  • FormatHardback
  • Primary Price 30.25 USD
  • Pages48
  • ReadershipPrimary and Secondary Education
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • EditionFirst
  • Dimensions7 1/4 x9 1/4 inches
  • Illustration40-45 photographs and diagrams
  • SeriesScientific Breakthroughs

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