As the twenty-second century dawns, the Lindotian war begins, seeding chaos throughout the galaxy. Casualties of the conflict, Dave Curtis and his fellow students are taken prisoner on an interstellar slave ship, where fear causes many of them to turn on one another. Dave’s youth and beauty catch the slaver captain’s eye, and he is removed from the hold for special training and sexual indoctrination. Dave panics at being separated from his older friend Beck, but when he meets his instructor, his life is changed forever.Jenna Hilary Sinclair has done an excellent job of setting up a unique world, with enough information that the reader doesn't feel 'lost in space', but not so much information that it obscures the story. Her characters are clearly drawn and believable. Open Doors is a quick fun read, with lovely hot slave sex between Max and Dave and a twist in the ending that I didn't expect. I recommend it. 4 Stars from Rainbow Reviews ;
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dreamspinner Press
- Publication Date January 2009
- Orginal Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 9781615811687
- Primary Price 2.99 USD
- ReadershipGeneral/trade
- Publish StatusOut-Of-Copyright
- Reference Codecom.dreamspinnerpress.onix.978-1-61581-168-7
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