Nenek Tata and the Mangrove Menace
by Judith Vun Price, Jacqui Vun
Stories about grandparents delight children. So, when children read how Nenek Tata’s adventure on what started out as a normal day turns a bit scary, their delight will explode.
It’s all because this day turns out to be not-so-normal. When Nenek Tata gets inside the gloomy jungles of the swamp, a huge, dripping, brown monster emerges. And, when the monster follows her, she must defend her home to the last … until she discovers the monster’s identity.
This scary story is set in Malaysia’s eastern-most state of Sabah and is told in the style of a Malaysian hantu folk tale. Its little bit of fright delights children because of the funny twist in the end. In the way many stories grandparents tell young children, this one entertains while teaching them about the dangers of the swamps and jungles.
Illustrations show reflections of stories about grandparents.
Dynamic, full-colour illustrations transform the tranquil landscape as the storm approaches and the drama unfolds. Consequently, the growing mystery draws the reader in: What is this monster, where did it come from?
Artful storytelling captures north Borneo’s beautiful native vegetation and animals, and exquisite textures and patterns. It shows children and adults interested in distant times and places a melding of cultures. This fine attention to detail offers young readers a wild and rollicking adventure, keeping them on the edge of their seats to the very end.
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Available for worldwide rights. Especially interrested in SE Asian opportunities.
"Beautiful illustrations with easy poetic text tell the story of Nenek Tata and her adventures in the mangrove swamps. Folktales are always a fun topic for children's stories, and I love the playful nature of this one." See 50 more 4 and 5 star reviews >> NetGalley
"Masterfully illustrated, this book captures both the steamy lushness of Malaysia’s Sabah region and the everyday-warrior character of Nenek." See more >> Writing WA
"What a spooky yet hilarious story!" See more reviews >> Goodreads
Author Biography
Judith Vun Price and Jacqui Vun are sisters who emigrated as children from Sabah to Western Australia in 1974. They have both forged careers as artists, designers and artisans whose love of visual storytelling is clearly evident in how they collaborate to produce exceptional work that honours the culture of their birthplace. Judith’s previous work includes author and illustrator of Koo Kaa & Burra: The Rescue, and illustrator of a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s It’s Quite True!
Copyright Information
Copyright 2022 JVP & JV
Crotchet Quaver noteworthy publications
Crotchet Quaver noteworthy publications produces beautiful books to get people talking and thinking.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Logorythm / Crotchet Quaver
- Publication Date February 2022
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780995408685 / 0995408685
- Publication Country or regionAustralia
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 33.95 AUD
- Pages56
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2022
- Page size216mm x 216mm (216 x 216) mm
- Illustration35 Full, digital illustrations, full colour
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