Más allá del Sol
by Rocha, Glafira
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Author Biography
Glafira Rocha (Culiacán, Sinaloa, México, 1974). She is a writer and psychotherapist. She studied Hispanic Literature, Film Screenwriting and the Masters in Philosophy and Humanistic Psychotherapy. She is a storyteller, playwright and scriptwriter. She has published: Azul (2003), El rumor de los días que vendrán (2005), Tales Tales to me (2005) Relato a mí (2012), the children's play Más allá del sol (2013), En medio de la nada (2015) and the novel Minerva quiere volar (2015).
Círculo de Poesía
Círculo de Poesía is a publishing group specialized in poetry with three publishing houses. In addition we publish the most widespread digital poetry magazine in the entire Spanish language world to share poems and information about books and authors with more than 12,000,000 readers (https://circulodepoesia.com/) We have built an extensive distribution and advertising networks specialized in poetry books.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Círculo de Poesía
- Publication Date January 2016
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9786078437221
- Publication Country or regionMexico
- Pages100
- Publish StatusPublished
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