Living Wild series : Puffins
by Melissa Gish
A look at puffins, including their habitats, physical characteristics such as their seasonal bill plate, behaviors, relationships with humans, and their vulnerability to the changing climate today.
Vivid photographs help take readers on a virtual field study to observe the life cycle and behaviours of each featured mammal, bird, fish, amphibian or other creature. Each book also looks at past and present scientific research and includes a unique storytelling element in the form of an animal tale drawn from mythology or folklore.
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- Publisher/Imprint The Creative Company / Creative Education
- Publication Date 2019
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781628325645
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 12 USD
- Pages48
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2019
- Dimensions9-5/8 x 10-5/8 inches
- SeriesLiving Wild
- Series Part86
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