Literary Travel Guide Upper Silesia
Five Tours through a baroque, (post)industrial, green and mystical Borderland
by Marcin Wiatr
Upper Silesia – a region in Poland with an eventful past, characterized by diverse cultures which influence each other and overlap. Here people live together, who feel themselves as Polish, German or Upper Silesian. Impulses for regional identity gives the multilingual literature. Here Joseph von Eichendorff, Max Herrmann-Neisse and Horst Bienek were born. Also Janosch has set a literary monument to his homeland, Tadeusz Różewicz lived and wrote here, Jaromír Nohavica sang about the region and director Kazimierz Kutz captured it in a film trilogy. The book literarily presents Upper Silesian places like Neisse/Nysa, Gleiwitz/Gliwice, Myslowitz/Mysłowice, Lubowitz/Łubowice and St. Annaberg/Góra Świętej Anny by examples of location, architecture, industry, landscape and mysticism.
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"Wiatr's geographical selection [is] well thought out and representative, the literary references will surprise many, and his enlightening yet stirring narrative make the guidebook a must for every German visitor to Upper Silesia. We wish Polish readers a quick Polish-language edition of this indispensable book in the German-Polish context!"
DIALOG - German-Polish Magazine
Author Biography
Martin Wiatr studied German studies, German history and education at the universities of Oppeln and Kiel from 1994 to 1999. He then completed a postgraduate course for translators and interpreters at Jagiellonian University. From 1999 to 2008 he was the educational advisor and later CEO of the House for Polish-German Co-operation. During this period, he realised various academic, cultural, education and community policy projects for strengthening civil society in Poland, supported German-Polish relations and the regeneration of Upper Silesia’s regional history as well as the cooperation with Polish foundations, educational and cultural institutions and academic establishments in Poland and Germany. He has been a lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Magdeburg University since 2010. Since April 2011 he has been a research fellow at the History Seminar at the TU Brunswick, working on the project ‛Upper Silesia and its Cultural Inheritance - The Results of Remembrance Policies, Ideas for Education Policies and Didactic Innovations’. In 2016 he completed his PhD dissertation on the Upper Silesian politician Wojciech Korfanty. Since 2013 research associate at the Georg Eckert Institute, where he is responsible for the work of the joint German-Polish Textbook Commission on the German side and coordinates the German-Polish textbook series "Europe - Our History". As a publicist he works for the Polish daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza and the cultural magazine Fabryka Silesia, among others.
Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa e.V.
The German Cultural Forum for Central and Eastern Europe publishes richly illustrated non-fiction books about the cultural history of those areas of Central and Eastern Europe where Germans used to, or still do live. The carefully edited titles with elaborated appendices are written by well-known experts who are able to present information about Central and Eastern Europe in an attractive way by cultural travel guides or historical overview books. The Cultural Forum also edits an annual and a bimonthly magazine, Blickwechsel ("Change of perspective") and Kulturkorrespondenz östliches Europa ("Cultural Correspondence Central and Eastern Europe"). Furthermore, the Forum organizes popular lectures, discussions, readings, exhibitions, concerts, journalist trips, writer residencies and prize-givings.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa
- Publication Date March 2016
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- ISBN/Identifier 9783936168716
- Publication Country or regionGermany
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 19.80 EUR
- Pages423
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2016
- Page size20.5 cm, 12.5 cm (21 x 12.6) cm
- Illustration12 contemporary color maps, 47 contemporary color photos, 17 b/w photos/post cards, 5 historic color post cards, 11 b/w graphics, 4 color graphic, 3 color paintings/drawings
- Biblio Noteselaborated appendix (short bios, time table, bibliography, name and place indexes)
- SeriesPotsdamer Bibliothek östliches Europa – Kulturreisen
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