Listen to your body, part 2
by Lise Bourbeau
Listen to your body - Part 2 is the long-awaited sequel to bestseller Listen to your body, your best friend on Earth (commonly referred to as that famous “little pink book” by her hundreds of thousands of readers) that reached heights of popularity in Quebec unequaled to this day.
Part 2 is the result of the author’s continuing research in the field of personal growth. In it, she shares new insights and guides the reader through the step-by-step application of valuable growth principles designed to lay the foundation on which to build a satisfying and successful life.
The book is comprised of twenty-one chapters, each closing with simple, practical exercises through which the reader is lead easily toward selfknowledge. Ms Bourbeau's fundamental premise is that understanding and knowledge are gained most effectively through personal experience.
In identifying and differentiating between the three primary states of “Having”, “Doing”, and “Being”, the reader achieves a simple clarity that allows a greater personal vision to emerge. From this new perspective, greater horizons are seen.
Once again, Lise Bourbeau, a prolific and beloved author, brings us a breath of fresh air in a user-friendly package.
No human being has the power to make another person happy,
because happiness comes from inside oneself.
It is therefore impossible to be happy if we expect our happiness to be provided by someone or something outside ourselves...
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Les Éditions E.T.C.
- Publication Date January 1994
- Orginal LanguageFrench
- ISBN/Identifier 9782920932135
- Publication Country or regionCanada
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 20.95 CAD
- Pages360
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleÉcoute Ton Corps - Encore!
- EditionFirst
- Copyright Year1994
- Page size7.5 x 5.5 in (7.5x5.5) inches
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