Leila Means Night
by Aleksandra Lipczak
For eight centuries, southern Spain has been home to a multicultural political entity founded by the Arabs and co-created by Muslims, Jews and Christians. Medieval Cordoba, Seville and Toledo are bustling metropolises to which merchants, scientists and artists are drawn from all over the world. Here the first tracheotomy procedure is performed and astronomy is developed, here magnificent libraries are created, Greek philosophers are translated, multilingual poetry is written, and foreign policy at the Muslim court is directed by a Jewish diplomat.
In a book stretched between history and modernity and between essay and reportage, the author deconstructs popular symbols of Spain (flamenco, mosaics, palm trees), revealing their Muslim-Arab roots. She shows how Andalusia today handles its heritage.
Coexistence, the meeting of the so-called West with so-called Islam, the fluidity of borders, but also fundamentalisms, expulsions, exorcising others.... Al-Andalus is a palimpsest that is useful in thinking about the world today.
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Czech Republic (Absynt)
One of the best non-fiction books of the year.
Piotr Kofta, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
(…) Probably the most interesting book of reportage published in Poland this year.
Aleksandra Żelazińska, Polityka
Written with such gusto, so rich and concise, intelligent, at moments linguistically risk-taking, in-depth and after all barely 260 pages long, based on a whole mass of Spanish- and English-language sources.
Krzysztof Cieślik
Leila Means Night is one of those rare publications that tell the story of a specific corner of the world, but which as we read forces us reflect more broadly on humanity and our need to create myths for ourselves.
Maciej Okraszewski, Książki. Magazyn do czytania
Author Biography
Journalist and reporter. She is a recipient of the CELA European program for young authors and translators. Her book debut People from the Square of the Sun was very well received by readers and critics and was nominated for the Witold Gombrowicz Literary Award. She publishes in "Polityka" and "Przekroj", among other publications. She co-founded the civic initiative Witajcie w Krakowie.
Wydawnictwo Karakter
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Wydawnictwo Karakter
- Publication Date August 2020
- Orginal LanguagePolish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788366147522
- Publication Country or regionPoland
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 39 PLN
- Pages272
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleLajla znaczy noc
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2020
- Dimensions121x207 mm
- IllustrationN/A