Last Things. Death and Funeral Rituals in China
Death and Funeral Rituals in China
by Maja Linnemann
10 million people die in China every year. What happens to all those dead people? During her research of death and the culture of funerals in China, the sinologist Maja Linnemann came across numerous curious details that she published in this book. Among other things, she investigates the following questions: How do Chinese state funerals work? Where are China's celebrities buried? How did China's last emperor die and how Mao Zedong's wife? Can one be buried in China as a non-Chinese? Where can one find China's most beautiful cemeteries?
The exciting and entertaining cultural report with numerous photos offers informative insights into a topic that is difficult to access!
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- Publisher Drachenhaus Verlag
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- ISBN/Identifier 9783943314458
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 24 EUR
- Pages240
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleGerman
- Original Language AuthorsGerman
- Page size21x24 cm (21x24) cm
- Illustrationphotographs
- SeriesInsights
- Series Part3
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