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Heidi Cullinan weaves a magical tale that enchants the reader, wraps a perfect veil of story-telling illusion, and lets you walk away with a smile and a lighter heart, and only a touch of regret that there isn't any more. Strong writing craft, excellent storytelling, tight editing combine to create a perfect read that will certainly become a keeper on many shelves. Voted Book of the Week by Whipped Cream reviews' readers! Read the full review at -
Heidi Cullinan weaves a magical tale that enchants the reader, wraps a perfect veil of story-telling illusion, and lets you walk away with a smile and a lighter heart, and only a touch of regret that there isn't any more. Strong writing craft, excellent storytelling, tight editing combine to create a perfect read that will certainly become a keeper on many shelves. Voted Book of the Week by Whipped Cream reviews' readers! Read the full review at -
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dreamspinner Press
- Publication Date December 2009
- Orginal Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 9781615812875
- Primary Price 6.99 USD
- Pages220
- ReadershipGeneral/trade
- Publish StatusOut-Of-Copyright
- Reference Codecom.dreamspinnerpress.onix.978-1-61581-287-5
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