This is the true story of Hannah, a happy and imaginative little girl growing up in rural Kenya. Suddenly Hannah and her little sister are left all alone with the passing of their parents and they are faced with a desperate future. They find temporary refuge and hope for a better life with her grandparents. But that hope fades when the grandparents are not able to support the young girls.
In the midst of what seems like a despairing future, hope returns when Hannah and her sister meet a man called Daddy Mulli and his wife Mommy Esther. Both girls are rescued by Mully Children’s Family where Hannah discovers a new world of opportunity. She is given a safe dormitory to sleep in, schooling to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor, food and medical care, and a wonderful family of over 500 brothers and sisters. She soon realizes she can be set free from her past and feels the excitement of a whole new future. In pursuing her dreams, Hannah learns the importance of friendships, the joy of serving others, and discovers how her faith in Christ can sustain her in every challenge to become who she is designed to be.
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Castle Quay Books
Castle Quay Books is dedicated to the growth of the Canadian Christian writing community in order to develop and publish high quality titles that promote an uplifting message.
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- Publisher Castle Quay Books
- Publication Date November 2017
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781927355619
- FormatEbook
- Primary Price 9.99 USD
- Pages272
- Publish StatusPublished
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