Grand traité du café
by Mireille Gayet
Great Treatise on Coffee
The history of coffee is not simply the story of the small grain that originated in the Middle East and was used in cooking, like a spice. As a drink, coffee offers infinite combinations depending on the rites and customs of social, medical, cultural, economic and political trends.
This book offers the reader a wonderful journey through time and space between Ethiopia and America, Europe and Asia, of initiation to various forms of coffee-drinking that differ from country to country and era. The book is a rich discovery of the numerous botanic varieties, diverse methods of preparation, and also evokes famous writers and artists in coffee shops and the influence and importance these had for them.
In reality, an entire world hides behind coffee. And that is what this treatise sets out to do: Reveal the countless facets and varied ways of savoring its magic.
This book can be placed almost anywhere in the house: In the kitchen, along with cookbooks; in the library, next to dictionaries; next to the coffee machine; and especially on the bedside table of coffee-lovers, whether occasional or unconditional, aroma experts, or converted coffee-lovers... or in the process of becoming!
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Adverbum S.A.R. L.
Created in 1989, Adverbum is a publishing company with four imprints specialized in health, human sciences, sports, cookbooks, lifestyle, religion, typography and graphic design. Adverbum’s catalogue of 220 titles is enriched by 20 new titles each year, all written by specialists. This eclectic production is meticulous and includes many reference books which have been translated all over the world.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Le Sureau
- Publication Date March 2015
- Orginal LanguageFrench
- ISBN/Identifier 9782364021143
- Publication Country or regionFrance
- FormatHardback
- Pages212
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleFrench
- Original Language AuthorsFrench
- Dimensions19/27 cm
- IllustrationDraws including full-plate coloured page
- SeriesLes Traités
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