Food & Drink

Geniuses of chocolate

histoire & éloge du chocolat artisanal français



Geniuses of Chocolate (Les genies du chocolat), published in French is the single most authoratative work on the history, analysis and presentation of French chocolate. Prefaced by Pierre Herme, the work received "Best in the World" Gourmand Award, and is currently a finalist for the 25 year Best of the Best.

Based on personal interviews with almost 100 key professionals in the world of quality chocolate, the work explains how, over the course of last 50 years, fortuitous combination of towering geniuses and circumstances transformed the world of chocolate to an unimaginable height.

This large volume of approximately 685 pages is presented in 3 volumes :

  • Volume 1 : A brief history of French chocolate until 1970s.
  • Volume 2 : Cacao. An analysis of how the quality of chocolate developed through identification and transformation of cacao
  • Volume 3 : Detailed look at perosnalities, creativity and technicity in the art of bonbon making.

200 + illustrations is a mix of archival illustrations and photographs, portraits, and photographs of chocolates and artistic sculptures.

Included also is a set of recipes shared by leading artisans.

There are dedicated chapters for renowned chocolatemakers, including such as Valrhona, Cacao Barry (part of Barry Callebaut), Bonnat, Pralus, La Maison du Chocolat, Patrick Roger, and Pierre Herme, explaining how each geniuses of chocolate contributed to the mesmerizing developments of chocolate.

The original manuscript available in ENGLISH. The author is native JAPANESE.

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Rights Information

The author retains all rights to the text.

The graphic designer retains rights to the design of the work.

Marketing Information

Pre-sales in bulk to professionals and associations.

Aurthor's participations in book fairs, conferences, and salons, such as the Salon du chocolat.


"One can only be captivated by the quality of this work, so precise and sensitive at the same time." - Librairie Gourmande

"A great epic that reads like a novel" - Le journal du patissier

"The expert Eri Ikezi retraces, with unprecedented and formidably documented thoroughness, the adventure of cocoa and its creative transformations." - Le Monde

"Les Génies du chocolat is already an essential tool for all French chocolate enthusiasts." - FOU DE PÂTISSERIE

Author Biography

Eri IKEZI is a Japanese culinary writer. Her web-journal and blog were selected as one of the top international culinary blogs by l’Express in 2011. Les Genies du chocolat marks her debut as an author.

Eri gives conferences and seminars on chocolate and chocolate tasting in France and in Japan, most recently at the FCCI conference in Paris and le Cordon Bleu Tokyo.

For her expertise, Eri was selected to served as a member of jury for the Meilleurs ouvriers de France competition in the chocolate category in 2012.

Copyright Information

Author retains all copyrights to the text. Graphic designer retains rights to design.

Chocolate Publishing

Chocolate Publishing

Les Genies du chocolat, refered to as "the bible" is the most comprehensive work on the highest quality chocolate in the world today. Crafted with great sensitivity with meticulous editing, this pioneering masterpiece unravels an undiscovered territory of French gastronomy.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher/Imprint Editions Renards / Chocolate Publishing
  • Publication Date May 2017
  • Orginal LanguageFrench
  • ISBN/Identifier 9782955626108 / 9782955626
  • Publication Country or regionFrance
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 80 EUR
  • Pages685
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusSelf-Published
  • Original Language TitleLes génies du chocolat
  • Original Language AuthorsERI IKEZI
  • Copyright Year2016
  • Illustration200 + mostly B&W, + recipes
  • Biblio Notes3 volume box set

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