Hugo Vargas, a great chess fan, offers us a series of chronicles about well-known characters, fans or masters of this sport, science, art? or game.
Vargas tells us throughout this singular book titled Fianchetto (chess term for the game in the great diagonal of the bishops) the relationship between chess and great writers or artists like Rousseau, Duchamp, Octavio Paz, Philip Marlowe, Bogart, Kubrick, Jaime Sabines, Lenin, and also chess masters like Kasparov, Fischer, Kramnik... offering us some of the most famous games they played.
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Marketing Information
The book has experienced an increase in sales coinciding with the Netflix Queen's Gambit series.
Author Biography
Hugo Vargas (Tampico, Mexico), editor and journalist, has held various management positions in the Mexican private and academic publishing industry. His reports, chronicles and essays are published in Mexican newspapers and magazines and, in Spain, in Letra Internacional and Texturas. He has participated in the collective works 'México ante la crisis', directed by Pablo González Casanova and Héctor Aguilar Camín (Siglo XXI Editores), and in 'La realidad alterada. Drogas, enteógenos y cultura', compiled by Julio Glockner and Enrique Soto (Debate). He is the author of 'Cuando la derecha nos alcance' (Pangea, 1997), 'La imprenta y la batalla por las ideas' (Instituto Mora, 1998) and 'Piratas en el Caribe'(Conaculta, 2006).
Trama editorial
Trama editorial is an independent publishing house specialized on the universe of books. Our collection of memoirs and critical essays by the most important players in the publishing ecosystem has become a reference library in the book world.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Trama editorial / Largo recorrido (collection)
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788494166174
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 19 EUR
- Pages164
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleFianchetto. El ajedrez como una de las bellas artes
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- EditionFirst edition
- Copyright Year2015
- Dimensions23x14,7 cm
- Illustration15 greyscale illustrations of famous chess games (4x4 cm) + 1 greyscale picture (6,5 x 10,5 cm)
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