Feminismos jurídicos
by Malena Costa
Since the end of the last century, gender and women's rights have become common and increasingly familiar topics to common sense. This happens due to the effect of many social and political changes, and thanks to the strength of feminisms, whose critical proposals sediment in a radical cultural and epistemological transformation. They gain more and more recognition in terms of rights, and also gain space, voice and relevance. Equality is a central concept of modern politics, inescapable when it comes to thinking about the law, and a core notion for the feminist movement. Through this principle, modern states dispense with social status to consider all their members as equals under their political orbit. The feminist movement emerges as an organization of women's actions around the declaration of equality as a guarantee of right. Thus, in the approach to feminist discussions about the law, equality appears as a central and unavoidable element, making the trinomial feminisms-law-equality an equilateral triangle. This research proposes a chronological and analytical journey of feminist incursions into law. The analysis and systematization proposed here are thus demarcated around the debates on equality and law in the area of legal feminisms.
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Ediciones Didot
Ediciones Didot is a publishing house that was established 9 years ago. Very soon was chosen by the reading public and the authors because of the special care that is taken on the books, it contents (as all of them have internal reference), and a distribution through all Iberoamerica. We have a catalog in which the multiplicity of knowledge and the crossing of them is made in each books; product of diverse researchs of the academic world. What is reflected through authors from all over the Spanish-speaking world as well as from other countries through their translations. From the social and legal sciences, history and philosophy, the publishing fund has been gathering in recognized collections: those that reflect gender studies, criminological thought, criminal litigation and PHD theses.
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- Publisher Ediciones Didot
- Publication Date April 2016
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9789879120171 / 9879120171
- Publication Country or regionArgentina
- FormatBook
- Primary Price 23 USD
- Pages292
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleSpanish
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2016
- Page size14,5 x 21,5 (14,5 x 21,5) cm
- SeriesGénero
- Series Part5
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