Science fiction
by Paul Mckenzie
The searing new novel by Paul Mckenzie burns with questions as it proposes a terrifying possible future, where the ultimate battle is being fought between the two human genders. Fast paced and tightly written this will be food for thought for many years to come. In the ultimate battle of the sexes, the loser is mankind.
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speilberg; crighton; society; women; future; arthur; c; clarke; 2001; science fantasy; science fantasy romance; science ficion; science ficition; science ficiton; science ficiton author; science fict; science fiction; science fiction 2011; science fiction adult; science fiction adventure; science fiction adventure action suspence humor; science fiction adventure speculative fiction bound keepers fantasy alternate world alternate universe time displacement jeffery moore keeper time travel; science fiction advenure; science fiction drama; science fiction ebooks; science fiction futuristic; science fiction suspense; science fiction war; sciencefiction
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher M-Y Books
- Publication Date August 2012
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781906986469
- Publication Country or regionGB
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 7.99 GBP
- Pages298
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- EditionFirst
- Dimensions240 x 140 cm
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