In an age when responses to accountability regimes in education range from hysteria to cynicism, this volume reframes accountability in narratives of collective, participatory responsibility that leave one feeling inspired and ready to act. The authors, all scholar-practitioners speaking from contexts spanning leadership, policy, literacy, indigenous education, and diversity, explore ways to navigate accountability discourses with wisdom, courage and hope. – Tara Fenwick, PhD, Head, Dept. of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia. In this collection, the preoccupation of educational institutions with accountability is critically examined by writers who work in the field. They consider the impact of accountability regimes on professional practice and the learning agenda, challenge current policies and call for a rethinking of accountability. The skills and knowledge associated with this work is what we should hold schools accountable to. It is, as you see from reading these contributions, time for change. – Stephen Murgatroyd, PhD, Chief Scout, The Innovation Expedition Inc. About the BookFrom their diverse perspectives, nine educational practitioners discuss current educational accountability policies and how these affect students, educators, learning and teaching in a variety of settings, from K-12 schools to post-secondary institutions and government agencies. The authors combine theory, research and their day-to-day experiences to reflect on the challenges posed by realities such as outcomes-based curricula, high-stakes testing, standardized reporting and management by objectives. By examining current accountability initiatives and their effects in relation to core values of public education such as equity, diversity, democracy and opportunity, this book offers educators a range of insights for thinking about and doing education differently.

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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Sense Publishers
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9789087909000 / 9087909004
- Publication Country or regionThe Netherlands
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 21 USD
- Pages152
- ReadershipGeneral - Trade
- Publish StatusPublished
- Dimensions234 x 156 mm
- Reference CodeBDZ0008740629
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